Iray and Trees super slow?
Have any of you found that Tree / Leaf products cause Iray to slow to a crawl? I've got some old Cyclorama trees that render just fine (of course they are just planes with transparencies) but an actual 3d tree with transparency based leaves seems to kill my render times, even possibly hanging the render. I've not messed with the base settings of the default iray render, turned off dome and ground, used the iray shaders and I have a nvidia gtx 680, 12 gigs of ram.
Got any suggestions?
Transparencies on tree leaves do tend to slow up any render., unfortunately
Yeah but it seems to be crashing more then rendering. I've gotten in around 35 minutes, and it's still at 0 percent. And that's 1 tree, 1 light nothing else.
Which version of DAZ Studio is this? There was a serious bug in Iray with overlapping transparency-mapped planes, but that should be gone in
Also which trees, in could be something like subdivision also contributing to the slowness.
ahhh Let me check I'm running Looks like I'm over due for an update. I'll fix that now. Thanks Richard! and ahh the trees I've tried are : Festive tree by Design Anvil, FCIII Tree02 and 01 and 03 from FantasyCampIII by DAZ Originals and Nathy .
The overlapping transparency bug is probably the biggest source of the slowdown.
And it was! I just updated and the issue isn't happening any more. Thanks a ton Mjc1016 ! I can render the leaves. yay!
Not in Iray (or any other PBR), thats one of the things that can make iray faster even without a nvidia card.
Actually...yes it did, in Iray. It was a confirmed bug.
You are correct, it shouldn't matter in a PBR, but as with the bug, it can.
Yes I know there was a bug in one of the betas but without the bug iray renders transmaps faster than 3delight so Chohole's comment is not intirely correct and there is enough misinformation surrounding DS as it is.
I have a pretty low end computer and no nvidia card but if I'm using a lot of vegetation and trees and long hair Iray can be faster than waiting for 3delight to do it.
For 3DL I have found that the long times are entirely dependent on the shader used and whether or not the raytrace hider is enabled.
Where would I find the raytrace hider?
Turn on progressive rendering...that's the easiest way. The other is scripted rendering.
Default progressive doesn't enable caching, though, so it won't hit maximum speed.