Nodes and pop ups

I checked my previous posts because i know i asked this question before, and I had and had an answer which worked. The problem is that with a new operating system install i am trying to get everything running as i like it and i get really annoyed when the node thing shows up uninvited or when a product is obscured by a pop up box. I tried to follow the oprevious answers but either things have changed or i have lost the ability to see the thing properly but i cant get rid of these annoying effects. Can anyone please help?

Attachments included

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 14.37.57.png
380 x 376 - 94K
Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 14.45.04.png
275 x 273 - 42K


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Edit > Preferences > Interface, set "Tool Tips" to Off.

    To select a bone without getting the widget use Tools > Node Selection

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 459

    thank you so much, that takes care of part of the problem. Even though i dont have nodes selected but have the universal tool selected i still get nodes highlighted. I tried tool settings but cant seem to stop that happening...

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Oh, you mean the orange highlighting of the selected node?  Window > Panes > Draw Settings, click on General, set Draw Style to Bounding Box Only.

  • deeahr2169deeahr2169 Posts: 459

    That did it, thank you so much, i have spent hours messing with this, very frustrating

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