Need help moving Figured out, thanks to your help

niteowlskyniteowlsky Posts: 16
edited August 2015 in New Users

so, long story short I kind of messed up when downloading DS at first..... Everything was fine but it was a new computer and I hadn't realized that the morons at the store had partitioned the hard drive without telling me... so I basically installed everything in a very small partition and I can see myself running out of space eventually.

I since reinstalled the actual program to the larger partition, and everything works fine, but the problem is the content folder is still in the smaller partition and I would like to also move the content libraries to the larger one.

I understand to do that I would have to let the DIM know where to install stuff I get in the future, but also to let DS know that all those folders have a new location...


could you guide me through the process of doing that?I would really appreciate it because I find their folders' system confusing enough and I'm worried I might create more problems than not without help.

thanks in advance for any reply

Post edited by niteowlsky on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    For DIM:  to add a new content location, click the gear (settings) in the upper right > installation, then click the + in the lower left to add a new path.  Be sure to change the Current path to your new location.  You may also want to change the Downloads location.  If you still have the downloaded zips or have fast unlimited internet, the easiest way to move the content is to uninstall it and reinstall in the new location; otherwise we can tell you how to edit the manifests that DIM saves when it installs a product to point to the new location as well.

    For DS:  after creating the new location (at the very least you need the folder to exist and to have a subfolder named Runtime) but before deleting the old location, launch DS and go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the "DAZ Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" sections, and add the new location to both and remove the old location.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    One more thing:  if you have custom categories/tags/smart content, be sure to Export User Data first.  After moving the content, reset the content database and then re-import metadata so it will all be pointing to the new location.

  • Ok man, thanks about the advice... I'm very busy atm so I haven't had time to try yet. I will do it soon and post again if I have issues.

    I'm also not hundred percent clear on the second post you made.....but I think I don't have any custom categories/tags/smart content (I don't to mess around with folders too much while I'm still figuring out a lot of basics). I did create some new folders for renders and presets etc, but those are already where i want them and I can access the data.

    One other thing is that I already reinstalled the program to the larger partition, only the folders where I download new stuff are still on the smaller one.... anyways, one thing at a time, but I think that should be fine. Thanks again, I'll give it a try and hopefully it will work, if not I'll ask for more help.

    Overall I like DS but, yeah, I wish their setup was less confusing. (I'm also not clear on where I should install non DAZ props made for poser.... I put them in 'my library' but then finding them through DS doesn't always work or I have to import them)

    oh well, one headache at a time I guess, thanks again



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