Problem: Two keys created within the same frame
I have some keyframes that when I make any adjustments it does the adjustment in the frame I am at but the frame right after moves back before I did the adjustment without having any keys in the next frame. I found out it is because it is creating a second key right in the same frame (as you can see in this image
I believe this weird keys where created ether when copy/pasting the keys or when dragging the keys and the only solution I can think is to get into every single property and deleting the duplicated key from the graph editor, which is very time consuming.
Is there an easier way to fix this? and does anyone know why exactly this happened so I don’t make the same mistake again?
Well I found out what happened, dragging a key while holding ctrl places the key in between frames so it looks like the key is on top of the frame, but when you get really really close it’s actually just before or after the frame and when I move the node it creates a new key because there was no key in the actual frame.
Why is placing keys between frames a feature? I have no idea.