How to copy-paste same figure pose

I want to use 2 animations in chain, but the second one puts my figure pose in Zero animation, with the arms up like a cross (see image 1 attached). In the next keyframe the image is ok (see image 2 attached).

I was thinking to copy the second frame, delete the frame 1 (where the figure is with the arms up like a cross) and paste the frame 2, but i cant get this to work.

I did the following steps:

1 - In Animate Lite I delete the frame1 (in my scene this frame correspond to the frame 68).

2 - I go to Timeline (see image 3 attached) and i select the frame 69, where the figure is ok. I go to parameters options > Copy > Copy Figure (image5 attached)

3 - I back to the frame 68, where the figure is with the arms in a cross. This frame dont have keyframe because i delete it from Animate Lite. I go to parameters options > Paste > Paste Figure Pose.


This are the steps i used but nothing happens. The pose is not copied and the figure is still with the arms like a cross.


Thanks in advance.

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  • It is done! What i did was:

    1 - I went to the pose i wanted to copy (frame 69)

    2 - File > SaveAs > Pose Preset

    3 - I went to the frame where i wanted to change the pose to the character (in my case it was the frame 68)

    4 - Content Library > DAZ Studio Formats > My Library >Poses > "here is the pose i had saved before"



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