how to do quick spot render

When I want to preview the result of an image, it takes too long to render the complete window, sometimes, i saw on tutorial videos, people can render just a section of the whole picture, how to do that?


  • Tools>Spot render Tool, assuming you mean DAZ Studio. When done use the Tools menu or the tool-bar to switch back to a posing tool.

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,664

    Richard is correct, but I do it a bit different. Check the screen-shot below:

    1. Click the yellow activated icon that looks like a camera marked #1 in my shot. You'll notice it says: "click here to activate the spot-render tool. Click on it.

    2. Left click in the scene area preview where ever you want to render as shown (#2), left click and drag the box around you're subject and release.

    1002 x 1034 - 110K
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