how to maintain rigidity when converting to genesis via transfer utility?

gabugabu Posts: 303
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I am trying to convert the demonika clothing set across to genesis with the transfer utility in Studio4.0 and have problems with the pauldrons. They look OK when the figure is in the default position but if the arms are moved the pauldrons follow the arm position rather than maintaining their rigid upward flared shape. Attached are examples.

How do I preserve the rigidity when converting? I have this problem with other clothing sets too.

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  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited August 2012

    The pauldrons have a bone in the end of them that are getting morphed to the arms it appears. You have to manually change that. I am guessing they had some morphs attached to them that are probably also getting lost in the process. How to manually remap the end bones and try to recover the original morphs (if there were some) I'm not sure what the best process would be. As a quick solution you could probably delete the end bones (assuming I'm correct and they exist.) If there were morphs attached you would loose them, but they shouldn't follow the arms anymore.

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
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