Ultra Scene Creator Integration with USC XT

I just made some experiments how to get a decent integration of an Ultra Scene (with good detail) into an UltraScene XT (for the background). 

I attempted the following: Create a very large height map (4096x4096), assuming this will be my 1km² USC XT, then cutting out the equivalent of 64x64m² (262px) for USC. Then I lowered the area for the USC in the USC XT map and created a mask for the USC XT biome. Then I tried to fit in the USC into the created "hole" in the USC XT. What completely blew me is the adaption of the height. If USC XT is covering -25 to +100m and the pixels in the USC fraction range from x to y... I did not manage to do it.

For short: a script which could do that magic (possibly a USC Toolbox V3 by Code66 or HowieFarkes creating something himself?) would be very useful for me. 

Especially, if USC features (roads, rivers etc) could continue in USC XT seamlessly. End of wishlist, as far as I can see it so far...

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