Daz To Hex back to Daz, now no bones

I'm attempting to save shape to a morph,

My first attempt worked, but bones had left the body, when I dial the morph to body moves  away to some other spot in the frame (Due to nudity I can't post image) I did the Joint editor thing, that worked but see 2 sets of bones, and the clothes  will fit on the bones that are not in the body. . . I gave up,  and tried again.

I loaded Genesis, went to my presets/shaping, selected the shape,  then went to send to Hexagon, then saved,  then export to DAZ . . and there  she is, but no bones now

been googling over and over and  now not getting where (weird too, had no problems finding what I needed when I didn't have Hexagon, now just a bunch of tutorials that do not address my problem) I should had booked mated them, but had no issues finding the info, now it's a search nightmare causing frustration

don't know what I did the first time but I was closer then then now, at least the first time I had bones, they just were not in the body, now  I'm just getting just a Geometry


bit frustrated, had to turn on that spell check thing,  looked like I was typing in Tongues blush

need to create a new character, and try again my same steps,   where I can show a image of mistakes

thanks, if you understand what I'm asking

I just want to get bones on the saved shape to use as a morph


I seemed to had did better not know what I was doing, then  later reading how to dix it, getting no where, and  just want to yell indecision


  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    okay created new, did the same steps and it worked.

    but for some reason once I close or start new, the saved dial is gone

  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    tried it again, and now back to where I was before, no longer have the saved shaping dial, and cannot use the shape, it's just a T-Posing Freak I can't do anything with

    freakman 02.jpg
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    test test 01011.JPG
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  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    this was when It worked, I took this render, thought I could add it for the Icon for the dial, but  that didn't work. I closed this and started new, and no longer had the dial, as shown on the previous post.

    freakman 01.jpg
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  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited August 2015

    oh I did do a print screen of the bone outta body,  my bad I forgot I did add some clothes just for  the image to show, but I can't remember if  this was before or after using the joint editor, but still the poses were still like this, by the looks it was before I did, or you would also see the second set of bones

    Outta body 01.JPG
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  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    from your last screenshot I can see the bones are not matched up to the figure at all. after you imported the morph, did you use the joint editor to adjusting rigging to shape?

    Also the figure seems offset from the bones..not sure what is up with that.

    But the steps are like this

    1. Send Figure to hex
    2. morph
    3. send to daz
    4. Morph Dialog "Reverse deformations" should be checked
    5. Use joint editor to adjust reigging to shape (not always needed, but seems like it in your case)
    6. Use Properties hierarchy to ERC freeze the new shape (only really needed if you needed step 5)
    7. at this point you can save as a morph asset so you don' thave to follow these steps again in the future

    BTW, I would look at the parameters tab and not shaping. Secondly make sure you arent' sending the figure back as a prop. Make sure you aren't changing the figure name in Hexagon. If so make sure it matches the name of the figure in DS. Optionally, you could save the shape as an OBJ, and import it with Morph loader pro.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873


    strange tho, I don't always get a Morph Dialog, and that's when things show up in DAZ all weird like, and I cannot do anything.

    steps 6&7 I had not done. I was going to do a render of what happen in the latest test, it was a bit humorous, but DAZ locked up on me,  my transfer from Hex to Daz, had the character all flat, like they been steamed rolled, and scaled much bigger 

    I must be pressing buttons I shouldn't be

    I seem to be more successful (well closer to successful) if I just create something new, so going to try that again, from scratch.  may be better for me to figure what  I'm supposed to do that way then make a bunch of saves of something I'm trying to save that's not working out.


    be prepared to see strange things/shapes wink cheeky

  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited August 2015

    many attempts again, and a lot of not getting the morph, but had one that made it

    the images shows at 0%

    and the second image is 100%, as you can see the bones stay, but the body moves as I dial the morph


    Morph Dialog "Reverse deformations" should be checked

    I looked and that option to "check" .. just didn't exist, it's not there for me to check

    just before  I did this morph I did another, as mentioned new spun dials, send to Hex, did a morph, then sent to DAZ, it was a success and bones stayed, but I didn't save anything, did take a render of it is all. then I went and tried with my Eddie shape, think I had sent back to daz a half a dozen times before the Morph dialog popped up. and to just realized  I goofed to go back to Hex and correct my mistake, and a couple more tries before the morph dialog.

    It's been a long day getting no where, and still not right, but that's because I'm new and learning this new way of 3D . . I don't have any of those "Instant Know How Pills" to help me along


    morph 0.JPG
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    morph 100.JPG
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  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    You need to make sure the shape is named the same as the figure in Daz. There will be no dialog if the Hexagon name and the Daz don't match. You can also try loading the morph via morph loader pro.  Export it as a OBJ from hexagon. (but this is going to be harder, so lets not for now)

    Also seems to me that you moved the figure in the modelling program. Otherwise it should be centered up with the bones when you import it. Are you using soft selection at max power
    ? If so cut that off for now. that can move the whole figure out of place..maybe.

    Try something very simple until you get it to work. Just squash the face in or something. Give them a big wart, don't worry about the morph so much. We need to rule out you are doing something in hexagon that is altering the placement of the figure.

    When you get the dialog box you need to expand the options.

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  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    ahh, okay I'm not seeing that pane at all, I must be doing it wrongly .. I'll do something again and show the pane I'm seeing, might find what I'm doing wrong

    didn't think I was moving her, I  was adjusting the view to see closer, guess that  is what's moving her from center. I was going to guess that's what is causing the bone(rigging) outta body thing

    a minor success,  but I went over board on the morph, need to do it again.

    Every time I change the pose I have to adjust the rigging to shape, it's an extra step I want to eliminate

    if I dial the morph to 40%, then my over enthusiastic morph does not show up  lol, but here is Eddie at 100%,  just a lot of clothing adjustments and pose angle to hide.

    I'm getting closer thank you  for taking the time to help

    Just showing off Eddie, the skin Mats for some reason don't match, but that's to be figured out later

    kinda success 007.jpg
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  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    this is what I see when I send to DAZ


    what I see Hex2DAZ.jpg
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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    Is your figure and morph at 0,0,0

    appears there is translation as well as morphing

  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited August 2015

    where should I look for those settings ?


    after I did the rigging  the second time , they stayed in place.  may be too soon, but might have part of my problem figured out

    LilFreak 001.JPG
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  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    kinda jumping ahead, but figured how to add the image to the Shaping dial wink

    had a BSOD, I was frighten that the dials would be gone, but looks like I saved the morph .. still a issue with bones(rigging), have to "adjust rigging to shape"


    lil freak dial.JPG
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    Lil Freak 001.jpg
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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    Most FBM you have to adjust rigging to shape and do an ERC freeze before saving

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    I ment zeroed out in parameters before exporting, for an obj morph you certainly have to and Hexagon is too easy to accidentally translate the whole thing from zero position too.

  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    Most FBM you have to adjust rigging to shape and do an ERC freeze before saving

    okay  got it .. I think I read something about that in the G1F to G2F Morph transfer topic (not right name), I'll go look in there

    Thank you

     off topic: KInda cool saw a ticker at the bottom you posted here

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    You might want to turn on advanced options for the bridge. that will give you more options.

    Edit>Preferences>Interface>Brdiges(Hexagon) : Show Advanced Options

    Once your morph is finished and you save out the morph asset you don't have to do the "adjust rigging to shape" again for that morph. But right now we are still trying to get your morph over right :)

    Oh and Wendy is right. I totally forgot to say make sure the figure is zeroed out before you send them to hex, and they remained zeroed out before you send the morph back.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited August 2015

    little update, yay

    yes  change to Edit>Preferences>Interface>Brdiges(Hexagon) : Show Advanced Options now gave me different dialog

    all bones are good except the finger bones, this is before doing anything else tho, haven't saved morph assets yet

    MLP setting.JPG
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  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited August 2015

    okay saved  my Conall shape into a Morph, mesh set at 0  in Parameters before send to Hex, did a minor morph, removed Conall from daz,  then send to Daz. it's just a NULL like thing, delete . . add Genesis Base in DAZ,  now send to DAZ, morph loader shows.  changed Path to Actor/Male.

     slider works now can dial Genesis Base into Conall.

    used a pose preset from Genesis pose, rigging whacked, rig to shape all good, saved shape Assets,

    did another pose, all good but hands, did the rig to shape,  do another pose all good

    did a couple renders to have a image of Conall in the Conall Shape dial . . looking goooood

    Zeroed Conall back to Genesis Base . . Bones all whacked, rig to shape all good, test post . . all good

    now Dialed in Lil Freak 100%  looking good . . did a pose.. bones all Whacked . .  did the Rig to shape . . all good

    doing a last render of the steps I took  . . BSOD

    angry dam'it I wasn't finished testing, I was wanting to try some other Morph dials, so I can see if it's just my Morphs that are causing the whacked bone/Rigging, or if it's something I had created after I used my morphs. after that last render I was going to zero out again, and try some of the other shape dials


    I have some renders of the results  as I was working through, but I don't think they'll really show any thing, that could help. What I can see is the Rigging(bones) are not changing as I dial in the morph, and will need to always need to rig to Shape, every time I use  a Shaping or Morph dial.

    I can load Genesis Base, then dial in Conall 100%, every time, and it all looks good till I do a pose, and only the hands have issues, if I was going for tentacle fingers .. my job is done  and it looks really cool, but that's not what I'm going for surprise laugh

    just wanted to share where I'm at, going to go back in and try and finish testing, maybe something fixed it's self . . kinda doubt it, since there was a BSOD, but we never know till I look


    Thanks again for your assistance and helping me getting closer

    ETA:the image is what happens when I zero out the morph and back to Genesis Base, (lucky, that's what I was rendering when The BSOD happened, apparently got the render completed)


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  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    if you like I could do something like I did here and share it on Youtube.

     Maybe watching what I am dooing you can spot what I missed or press wrongly


  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited August 2015

    uploading now, I went and made one from scratch, a lot of watching thing load, I didn't make the effort to pause during loading times.

    also did things I didn't need to do but did them any ways, and you'll see a couple mistakes  I made, but corrected.

    The Free version of Bandicam only allows 10 minutes recording time, so was cut short before I did the save morph assets part, but the second Vid shows e doing that part . . did a couple things to show it's always the hands in the rigging that are messed up, also warning, it took five minutes for those Morph assets to save, and yes I didn't edit

    the first part https://youtu.be/WT67sbsjhaI

    the rest  https://youtu.be/NcKo9KwLP78

    Post edited by XaatXuun on
  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    Vids uplaoded, linked in the previous post

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    TLDR: WTF was the result? Did the morph come over OK? 10 min youtube video is too much to expect me to watch, sorry :(

    I skimmed it. Looks like maybe you are OK now?

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    TLDR: WTF was the result? Did the morph come over OK? 10 min youtube video is too much to expect me to watch, sorry :(

    I skimmed it. Looks like maybe you are OK now?

    if I was to edit the Vid, then might be like 5 minutes,  I figured the length was too long, but was afraid I would screw up the vid if I had tried to edit, I could add captions for times to watch, and what to skip. it just shows what I did

    the results is the same as before, I go through all the steps, but the bones/rigging in the hands are way off (Whacked) , but rig to shape fixes that, and no more problems.

    I would not say I'm 100% okay now, more like 89%, where I need to do the extra step of rig to shape every tme I dial in the morph (the hands) , t okay good enough for my own (Personal) work project, but if I wanted to share, it's not is all


    thank you for all your help, it did get me past my main issue, I think the rest is just more practice

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    your welcome, progress is good.

    OK if you got the morph working ok, and do the adjust rigging to fit step and are completely done with the morph then you can go ahead and do an erc freeze of that morph. It will lock the bones so when you dial that morph in and out the bones will follow properly. If you want, you could then save the morph as a morph asset, which can be used in other scenes and it will know how to treat the bones without doing that step again.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873
    edited September 2015

    yeah .. still seeing the issues with the hands, but then again I haven't figured out the ERC Freeze thing yet.

    I'll work with that tonight, between crashes frown

    ETA: I found the ERC Freeze thingy

    Post edited by XaatXuun on
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