white sky out window?

DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

Most of my renders of a scene have a gray alpha channel out the windows. I'll add something in later. But on one file the "sky" is blazing hot. I've checked that render dome is off. I've dropped the lumens of the distant light way down. Rendering in Iray. Can't figure it out. Is there some alpha button I accidently mis-adjusted somewhere?


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    What file format are you saving your renders in? If I recall correctly, only .tif and .png can save transparent backgrounds.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Could it be the glass shader in the window that has changed?

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    I'll check that they are PNG.....which is what I'm using...that could be it. I've already started over in a new file. And there was no glass in the window itself so that wasn't the issue.  There are always a hundred things to check before rendering and I sure missed one.

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