A Suggestion
THE SCENARIO: You have hundreds-to-thousands of DAZ products in your archives! You're currently working on a project and you need your female character to wear a certain type of outfit.
THE PROBLEM: You have so many products that you don't remember what most of them are anymore! That coupled with the fact that a great deal of these items have ambiguous names that don't really explain what they are. For example, let's say you have a product called: "Hellfire Starchild." Is it a spacecraft? A clothing item for V5? A character morph? If you're like some, you probably convert the item's webpage into a PDF file for reference or you at least save a jpeg of the product, but this is an annoying inconvenience!
THE SOLUTION: The brilliant minds at DAZ have done it again! Now when you download items, you also have the option to download a simple PDF file of the item's webpage that includes the Description, Additional Information, What's Included & Features, Resource Files and jpeg pic files all in one neat and nifty printable file! YAY! :-)
Or you can simply rename the catalogue or folder name for the item - from Hellfire Starchild to V5 outfit Hellfire Starchild
Then it comes all neatly sortied in the file structure as well, and it's getting much easer to find what you're looking for.
I've also created some catalogues named Hair, Vehicles, Weapon modern, Weapon SfiFi, Weapon Fantasy, Nature et cetera and now all my hairs go into the Hair catalogue, cars, bikes, boats et cetera into Vehicles etc. Has helped at least me a lot
Didn't know that, WOW! cheers for the HU :-)
Yes, a good idea. I haven't changed the item folder names too much, but I do put them in category folders (hair, clothes, etc.). I even started an Excel spreadsheet to catalogue everything, but I got tired of fooling with it as I'd rather be playing video games and watching movies! :lol:
The products do come with a read me file, but with the old installers you would have no way to access them without first installing the product. I understand that they are now going to start using zip files for everything so you would actually be able to view the read me first to decide whether you wanted to install it or not. so that is a good thing. Not as detailed as the webpage, but better than nothing I suppose!