Alignment tool

Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to use the alignment tool?


  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited August 2015

    Yeah, it's not the most intuitive or efficient tool for the job.

    Anyway, the purpose of the tool is to take one object and "align" its X, Y, or Z axes with another object. It just replaces the XYZ coordinate of one object with those of another. So if you have object 1 located at (x=1, y=2, z=3) it will basically replace the X, Y, or Z coordinates of object 2 with one of those values, whichever you choose. For me, the most common use is to move one object to the exact location of another object, by choosing to align all three coordinates.

    The basic procedure is

    1. Select the object you want to stay put
    2. CTRL select the object you want to move
    3. Select Edit/Align from the menu
    4. Choose which coordinate from object 2 you want to replace with the corresponding value from object 1 (ie, X, Y, Z or all three) by selecting that axis
    5. Hit OK
    Post edited by JoeMamma2000 on
  • Thank you too for the info.  Not sure what I would do without all of you guys helping!!

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