DAZ and Hexagon questions

So when I open Daz and Hexagon - my Imac starts running VERY slow.  I try to go to the object that I sent to Hexagon and my imac will freeze up; react slowly - not work at all.  Can someone coach me on what I can do to maximize speed.  My computer has two 2 gb memory giving me only 4 gbs of memory.  Could this be the problem??


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    That does sound like the most likely source of the problem.3D art is a memory intensive hobby.

    I started out with 8GB, and very soon after that I upgraded to 32GB.Some of my renders will consume 12GB.The most I've seen is around 20GB consumed with 4 fully dressed V6HD characters 2 motorcycles, a garage, and lots of scene "fillers" (stuff like barrels, oil cans various tools lying around,,etc,etc..) . The more ram you have the more fun this gets.A fast,multi-core CPU helps a lot as well.

    IMHO one can never have too many CPU cores nor too much ram.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited August 2015

    Yeah, 4GB of ram isn't enough. You need at minimum 8GB to have a decent experience. Your options for now are to NOT use the hexagon bridge. Instead save an OBJ of the model. Close Daz. Open Hexagon then open OBJ. Save changes as new OBJ. Close Hex. Open Daz. Import. 

    That might help. With 4GB of ram 2 programs at once is too much. This might get you through things in the sort term.

    But I would shoot for 16GB if you can afford it when you upgrade (assuming that is an option at some point in the future., if you have lots of money get 32GB)

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • swee286swee286 Posts: 58

    thanks you guys

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