Modular (space)ship builder?

Hello snazzy artists!

I was perusing the sci-fi stuff the other day because I'll be needing a bunch of assets for some board games I'm designing.

In particular, I was hoping to find some sort of customizable star/space ship builder.  I wasn't surprised to not find any (although I did see a bunch of cool ships), so I thought I'd put up a forum post suggesting it would be a very nifty idea.  I would love to see a set of parts for ships that I could put together to create all sorts of stuff a la the ship creaters from numerous sci-fi computer games.  I know that's a ton of work, and I'm not sure how popular it would be, but I'd certainly buy the heck out of it and any subsequent expansion sets/textures for it.  If there is already something like that out there, could someone point me in the right direction?



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