Genesis Cavalier Helmet Help

sjaammonssjaammons Posts: 185

I recently bought this and am using Gen2 Males and Females for it. However I've run into a problem. The helmet (as shown in the images) is supposed to lift up to show the figure's face. I have yet to find a feature to do this. The only option is to expand or decrease its size.

Does anyone know where I need to go in daz to lift up that part of the helmet? Anyone who has this set I'd really appreciate some help, thanks!

Post edited by sjaammons on


  • If you AutoFit to another figure the custom bones, such as the visor, will become inoperative. Your options are to parent the helmet as a separate item, or to redo the rigging for the visor (which shouldn't be too hard).

  • If you AutoFit to another figure the custom bones, such as the visor, will become inoperative. Your options are to parent the helmet as a separate item, or to redo the rigging for the visor (which shouldn't be too hard).

    Okay thank you for telling me this. Do you know any links to tutorials about redoing the rigging for parts of an image?

  • There's no real need to do that here - the helmet is a separate item so it's simplest to load it, don't fit it but simply place it on the head using the standard transforms, and parent it to the head. Here I memorised the pose, zeroed the pose, lined the helmet up, parented it and restored the pose. As you can see, the visor still works (though I can see some issues with the armour itself in this untextured view).

    Oops, mislabelled the image - that is of course G2M, not G2F.

    Cavalier on G2F.JPG
    997 x 949 - 75K
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