Grouping objects in Daz|Studio

BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
edited September 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

I have been working with the Marabella Mediterranian Resort from 2D, and one of the figure add-ons is 'Curtains for all rooms'. In the scene Tab it shows curtains for all rooms with the stacked triple-cube symbol to the left (as opposed to the solid cube). The curtains are listed below that, each also with the stacked triple cube icon. I select curtains for all rooms and only one is selected, the others are not, they are not properly grouped.  Curtains for all rooms is a single object listed above the others. I should note the curtains do not load in position with the windows of the hotel, they are at right angles, although aligned and properly spaced, they are just in the wrong place.. All that needs to be done, were this Bryce, is to select all the curtains and group them as a single object. Then I can rotate it 90 degrees and adjust XYZ so the curtains are properly 'hung'. 

However, this isn't Bryce, this is Daz|Studio. Is there a way to group and 'lock' a group of objects together so I can rotate and move as a single object? Or is my best hope to choose all the curtains, import into Bryce, hit crtl-x/crtl-v then group them, then save in the preset library?  I would rather align everything before I export to Bryce, rather than fight the complex visual wireframe clutter trying to position them in Bryce. There's a good twenty set of curtains, I do not relish the thought of psitioning each of them manually in Daz before I export to Bryce.. Any ideas?

Post edited by Brycescaper on


  • BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
    edited September 2015

    The crtl-x/crtl-v is after I choose from the color object pallet the color 21 magenta (the default import wireframe color) to select all the items I just imported, it's a little trick I discovered works better than moving the camera around and drag a square to select them. The objects are not automatically grouped when imported. 

    Post edited by Brycescaper on
  • Moving the parent figure should move all of the children - it may be simplest to do this be selecting in the scene pane.

  • Okay, got that, shoulda rememvbered thay (D'OH) but all these figures are in the root scene directory... doyou mean secect all those items, then drag them into another existing directory? Sorry to seem igborant 'bout this, but my final scenes are in Bryce because without the environmentals (sun, cloud water and water planes and true HDRI) and 3D textures that actually cast shadows and redfract distortion, Daz|Studio looks kind of cartoonish, otherwise I've have no problem staying in Daz. Anyway, how to move those seperate root directory items out of root and down into a subdirectory would be appreciated, I'm long accustomed to setting this up in Bryce on the go. Thanks in advance, this sounds like a real time and aggrevation saver :)

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited September 2015

    To move a node in the Scene pane, just click and drag it to another node to parent it to that node, or right-click it and select "unparent <whatever>" to unparent it completely.

    To group one or more nodes without parenting them to anything existing, select them in the Scene pane then from the menu select Create > "new group".  (a new group node will be created, and all the selected nodes will be parented to it.  

    Any node that is parented/grouped to another node will be indented to the right in the Scene pane, and moving the top level parent/group node should simultaneously move everything parented/grouped with it.


    Post edited by sriesch on
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