A Template for Coupons with Mandatory Start and End dates.

I get that blink sales don't tell you when its over and I expect flash sales not to either, because that's how DAZ rolls, BUT it would be wonderful if orange banners banners and offers via message system had mandatory start and end dates (meaning if the person uploading the orange banner data did not complete those fields the form would not fly. And while they are at it why not have an extended option with a start and end date in case DAZ wants to be overly generous timewise. Orange banners sometimes have an expirey date but often they dont. Sometimes they do but they either end premaurely or go on days later. I once had a simple PHP script I made for race stories, that if the date was greater than today, the event heading said 'upcoming'. If it was past the date it did not 'fprint'. If it was that day then fireworks happened . . .  well not really ... Maybe a simple form on the CMS for the DaZzlings that input the banner data serverside could have a mandatory field for start and end dates would solve this inconsistent behaviour. Or is it behavior? Whatever - it means the same thing. DAZ does a wonderful thing by giving us an orange banner but iut disgruntles many who find it still offered but not accepted. I tend to use them ASAP, so I do not have an issue with such, but many voices in the forums do. Someone in DAZ's legal department should read up on Offer and Acceptance laws and implement these changes.

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