Reverse an Animation?
I have a completed animation, running from frames 0 to 273. I would like to now effectively double the length of that animation, effectively reversing all of the movements of all of the nodes, all the way "back" to the end at frame 546. Frame 272 would be identical to frame 274, 271 identical to 275, all the way back to frames 0 and 546. I can do this with an incredibly time-consuming and laborious process of: [select all scene nodes at frame 272 > memorize selected items pose > go to frame 274 > restore selected items pose]... over and over again until I'm finished, blow my brains out, or the sun explodes... but I'd rather find a faster process, if one is possible. I have keys on all frames up to 273 except two!
Any ideas?
Note: You may ask, why not just create an image sequence up to frame 273, then duplicate the frames and reverse-number them? The reason is that after I finish this step, I need to make some keyframe animation changes in the second half of the animation. The second half of the animation will be different from the first half, but based on it.
I know if you save it as an Aniblock you can reverse that
MjCasual probably has a script otherwise but I am not searching through them
Turned out you were right! I'd recently been through his vast list of scripts and didn't think there was anything there, but he does have a script called ReverseAnim that does exactly that for a single figure, and except for some prop items and null/camera animation I could fairly easily replicate and "mirror", the tough stuff was all figure animation, so that turned a mountain into a molehill!
Thank you, Wendy!