Viewport tab?

I have a "problem" with the new install of 4.8. I had been using 4.6 up until a few days ago. I now have the viewport as a tab and would like it to not be as such since I was comfortable with the way things were. Having autism and something get changed has a pretty major effect on me, more so than an average person so the change is something that I just do not seem to be able to adjust to very well.

Is there a way to have the viewport take up the entirety of the screen area like it had in the past? Also how would I go about making this adjustment so that 4.8 looks exactly the same as how things were with 4.6?


  • I'm afraid that there is no way to change that, that I know of.   The Viewport is now a pane like the Content Library or Parameters.

    What you can do, is use the Full Screen hotkey (Shift + F11) to get a full screen view without the tab 'Viewport' showing

  • A co-worker of mine has 4.8 and I upgraded so that we can work together on something. They do not have the viewport as a tab on their screen. I did not have the viewport as a tab on my screen until this upgrade. So there has to be some way to change this I would think.

    Using full screen does not really help me since it does not allow me to call up the side bar menus to adjust things very easily.

    Barring any actual solution for this being found, how could or would I go about reinstalling a previous version of daz because I simply cannot work very well with the program the way it currently is.

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    There are several layouts to choose from.You can have a look at them if you click "Window" on the main toolbar, then select Workspace>Select layout.

    The one marked 3D Bridge doesn't have the tab at the top.

  • I have always used Hollywood Blvd, so I guess it was just a surprise to me that the tab was there. Thank you for suggesting that I use a different layout. This seems to be what I needed to do.

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