Render Error

So I was so happy last night, I did a scene and was really pleased with the fact that I seem to be starting to understand how to put at least simple things together.  Hit the render button and after an hour and 48 minutes, I got an error message that said DAZ3 has encountered an error and must close.  Which, of cours, it did.  AND I had been so caught up in what i was doing I didn't save a thing lol.  Which is okay it won't kill me to do it again it will probably be good practice.  But I am not sure why it was taking so long ( I was up to. 94% when it crashed).  I had G2, a dress, a ribbon necklace, a background. a stone pool floor which I added a water texture to the pool simple (jpg) a column, two jugs and flower petals strewn about.  I didn't change anything in the render panel I just hit the render button.  Of course I don't have a screen shot of that but I loaded a model and took a screen shot of what comes up when I hit the render tab.  I have to go lay an underlayment on my mud room floor in just a bit but will be back later.  Hoping someone can help me figure out why its taking so long to render.  It does the same thing on my laptop as well.  My pc is brand new, has a Nividea GE Force video card, windows 7 64 bit operating system.  Should have more than enough memory etc as I bought this so I could play the massive rpg's on it.  Not a huge amount of stuff loaded on it yet either as I have only had it for about 6 weeks.  Thanks for any help you can give!

Render issue.jpg
1680 x 1050 - 72K


  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    We're you using iRay or 3Delight to render? If iRay how much memory does your graphics card have? What sort of light setup did you have?

  • 2 hours isn't a lot for a render. What are your system specs? Are you using Iray for rendering? (seems like it from screenshot just verifying).

    Rendering art is much more resource intensive than games. So waiting a few hours for a render is common. Depending on your system specs and the things in the scene however it can be a lot faster.

  • The OP has mentioned 'DAZ3'

    @silverriverjewelry  Are you using DAZ Studio 3 in fact, or was that a typo?

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    Look like the OP is using 4.8 according to the image they posted.

  • Thanks Frank, I didn;t llok at the image angry

  • Yes 4.8.  Sorry definitely a typo.  Okay its good to know it can take a while.

    Specs are intel core i7-4790 CPU @3.60 GH

    RAM 16.0 GB  (Although somewhere on here is a huge number of terrabytes or whatever they are called)

    64 bit operating system

    Windows 7 Pro



  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    The huge number, of probably gigabytes, is your hard drive...and that isn't really important for this.


  • Thanks!  I figured I better just toss in as much info as I had lol.

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