Sorting Files!

Oh my gosh I can't find anything!  Can I re arrange the files in the program so that I can find things easier?  What should I not mess with and what can I move?  I just loaded this program but already have a lot of stuff.  I need to organize!  I figure i better start now at the beginning or it might drive me completely mad.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    What program?  What files?

    If you are referring to your content in DAZ Studio, you can use the Content Library to organize your content however you want without affecting the actual file locations on disk, so as to avoid breaking things by moving the files that can't be moved.  (I don't know which ones can be moved and which can't, if you want to manually move files somebody else will have to answer that.)

  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416

    In content library, you can organize content the way you prefer in Catergories.  Before setting up catergories, I couldn't find anything.   

  • Okay for insance.  I have several different pose sets but they are all over the place.  Only one of them is actually under poses.  Can I move them all to the poses folder?  Same thing for clothing and props.  The stuff is all over the place.  I need to be able to pull up props under props, not data, people and who knows where else it has disappeared to lol.  And animals.  Only two animals are in the animals folder.  A couple are in the props folder.  Might even be one in the people file.  But I don't think a ferret is a person lol.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    The animals in the props folder are probably not posable or anything...they are like taxidermy mounts. 

    And why is Draco Malfoy in your content folder?

    If your content is correctly installed and properly mapped there shoud be no 'data' folder showing in the Content Library or Smart Content...

    Also, yes, the current 'standard' is to have multiple 'clothing' under each figure (Genesis, Genesis 2 Female, Genesis 2 Male, etc)...poses, etc, also. 

    But by making your own categories and organizing it that way, you create a database that referrences the content, but doesn't actually move it anywhere.  That way any internal file referrences will not be altered. 

  • No idea how he got there.  I am uninstalling and re installing from scratch.  Then I will start to organize it.  I am sure i downloaded something and missed a file or what not.  I will take your advise and make categories thank you!  and am off to check the tutorial now thanks!


  • Okay.  I checked the tutorial and am having issues.  First, there is no way to turn of  the content manager in the newest version.  And I go to preferences and the tabs are not even close to the same and I have no idea where the directories tab is or how to make sure my run time files are set up correctly. Nothing is the same in the newest version.  Or, more likely, i am just an idiot.  I did follow the path in windows to the studio/content/runtime and added a folder under libraries/ Characters. Called it genesis and added a clothing file and loaded a clothing set into that file.  Does not show up ANYWHERE in my contents in the program itself.  i have no idea what I did wrong except that maybe my runtime files are set up correctly.

    Off to google some more..... "sigh"'

  • What did you place in the folder in Runtime/Libraries/Character? Content should not be isntalled to that folder - content shoudl be installed to the content directory - most likely the \DAZ 3D\Studio\Content folder by the path you quote, though you should make sure you don't have a folder named "Content" inside an actual content directory (Such as My Library or My DAZ 3D Library).

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Items I've picked up from Daz I tend to leave alone as I install with DIM

    But I've been going through all my zips from other sites, reorganizing them and re-zipping them so that they should be in the correct folders when I unzip them

    That has turned into a very long and tedious process, especially since sometimes it's hard to tell what folders some things are supposed to go into.

  • Thak you everyone for your help and suggestions!  I re installed so that things would at least be where they were when I started.  I found a tutorial on Deviant Art that showed me exactly where I need to go to make things work for me.  So for anyone else here is the link ; I dont' know why his made more sense to me but I'm a bit of an oddball in how I process information lol. Again, thank you so much everyone for taking the time to help me!

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    What gets really aggrivating is when you unzip something to repackage it so it extracts to the correct folders and what you have is a folder of the product name (such as "V4 red shirt") or whatever, and all the files are just simply in that folder and no sub folders.

  • Yes I would imagine it would be aggravating.  I did discover that one vendor's files go in the poser portion for props.  No matter what i do I can't get the objects to show in the daz studio tab.  Which is fine, I know where they are now so I can live with it lol.


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    If a product suppose Poser and Daz Studio then the Poser and DS files has to go into the Poser section.

  • Thank you!  I am currently going through and cleaning up the mess I originally made lol.  I'm getting there, slowly.  I have discovered that some of the trees are a bit ridiculous.  Is it really necessary to have every other folder be your name?  It makes for a very long tree to get to what you need! Instead of say Sonja11/ runtime/ sonja11/ data/Sonja11 poses, it would be much cleaner to do Sonja11/runtime/data/poses.  Or whatever. So glad I started this at the very beginning.


  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    LOL That's exactly why I'm fixing all the paths now from stuff I downloaded from other sites. I know eventually upgrades will happen and files will be moved to new drives, so my goal is to be able to just drop all my zips and rars into a folder and say "unzip here" and everything extracts as it's needed, all nice and neat :)

    I've currently got a folder for each site I got products from so I know they came from, but I found somethings won't work or show up (like some morphs and stuff) if it's not in correct Daz folders (morphs in the same location as the figure it's made for or some such thing) so I'm redoing everything to go into the same library folder.

  • Yup that's exactly what I am doing.  Although I am sure I am going to tweak as I go along as I learn and figure out exactly how things actually work.  I'm being very careful but its already better than it was lol!


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