Cant close eyes?
I puchased Tamati HD for Kwan 8. It was for someone that really liked the face. So tonight I was working on their slot. Loaded the figure, posed him etc. Was trying to work on the expression and...
He cant close his eyes.
at all.
not even if you make the eyes "look down", not if you use the dials to "close eyes", Nothing....He...cant close his eyes.
If you try to make both eyes look up, the eyes seem to come out of the head.
Anyway I can fix this and get his eyes closed?
Hm, interesting... The eyes are trying to close, but the eyelids are rotating about a point about 1 to 1.5 inch too high. The rigging does not align with the mesh so the upper eyelids turn in, and the lower eyelids actually swing out.
Not an expert on the subject, but if you Adjust Rigging to Shape (Edit -> Figure -> Rigging -> Adjust Rigging to Shape...), the bones line up very well, and the pose controls do what they should.
Oh Thank you!
I made his eyes go upwards and nearly jumped out of my skin...
I will try and adjust it!