Feature requests if (!exist) {create}
Is there a way to show out of all content I have purchased/own which ones have the additional licenses for 3D printing or use in 3D interactive applications? I'm not sure if some purchases/items, don't allow 2D stills, but if so, a filter for that also would be helpful.
AFAIK all products sold here [unless intended for obvious other use such as content creation] are available for image rendering, both stills and animations.
I don't but several people do keep a spread sheet keeping a record of all important notes esp. with regards for commercial use.
Easier said than done after the fact when you have 1000's of products to go through. In todays world of technology it shouldn't be that hard to add a couple of Boolean columns to a database to flag them and have it filter for products you own with/without said flag but maybe I'm thinking of pre 2k programmers and web admins:)
One would like to think it's easy but somehow it never ends up being easy anytime they do anything with any of the forum or store software.
Right now, the counters aren't working, again.