Vertex Objects

Its me again with another question.  If I have a vertex object, a cylinder of sorts and I want to make a ridge half way up, around the whole object on the outside not the top of it, how do I do it?  I can bevel the top of it, I just want an edge around the center.    I've tried but cant seem to get it.  Thanks for all your help....


  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Lots of ways to do it (as always)


    If you're creating the cylinder frpm scratch, set Number of sections = 2 in the dialog. This wil give you an edge ring in the centre of the cylinder.

    Select this ring. ( select the Edge tool then either click one edge line and click Loop, or shift-drag the selection marquee)

    Then select the Extract Around tool (it's on the top toolbar, 2nd from the right. Click the little pull-right arrow next to "Quick Fillet" to get the menu, and Extract Around is the 3rd one down. I think this is Pro-only)

    Now click on the edge, and while still holding the mouse down, drag it perpendicular to the edge. You'll see two green lines, one either side. When they are about the right distance apart, let go of the mouse.

    Now scale your centre edge in or out, depending on if you want a ridge or a groove.


    If you don't have Pro, just create the cylinder with 4 sections, and move the outer two  edges towards the centre one.

  • .

    Now scale your centre edge in or out, depending on if you want a ridge or a groove.


    What TangoAlpha said, with one addition - if you want your ridge or groove to be more square (more like a ledge than a ridge) then once you do the Quick Fillet step you can select the loop of faces inbetween your two new lines and use Dynamic Extrusion to extrude those polys in or out.  Once dynamic extrusion is active, make sure that Link Polygons on the right side of the screen is checked, then move the cursor over any of your selected polgons and drag to extrude.  Use Shift-drag to make it extrude straight in/out from the center.

    4 DynamicExtrustion.JPG
    883 x 654 - 63K
  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Even easier for dynamic extrusion, set the number of sections on the cylinder = 3. This'll give you the centre section that you can vertically scale to make it the height that you want, then dynamically extrude as per MDO2010's post above.

    As I said at the top, there are loads of ways to achieve the same result. smiley Some of then require a little advance thought when you create the cylinder, but others don't.

  • Another way to do this: after selecting the ring/center section go to the menue: model and choose: ad thickness. Little advantage here is that the ring is extruded exactly staight, which is not always the case with dynamic extrusion.

  • Another way to do this: after selecting the ring/center section go to the menue: model and choose: ad thickness. Little advantage here is that the ring is extruded exactly staight, which is not always the case with dynamic extrusion.

    That's a good tip - I didn't know you could add thickness to just part of a mesh like that! :)

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