I want to thank YOU!

It has been a while since I've visited my Daz Gallery and two days ago I decided to start adding more artwork to it. Today I was sorting through some older pieces in my gallery and noticed some peeps have been leaving comments. Checking the dates some comments were from a year ago! OMG... I am sooo sorry for not acknowledging the posts. So... I want to thank those who have been leaving posts publically here. I don't know who half of you are but I DO appreciate all your comments.
Here is my gallery if anyone wants to see my artwork... I promise it is not your run of the mill artwork... I have VERY eclectic taste and my genres are EVERYWHERE!!! lol I don't think you will be bored. I only post my BEST (in my opinion) artworks so you will see no doubles! ;)
Oh.. and if I don't acknowledge your comment right away... Please DO forgive me :)
Oh.. and... If you could please post here and let me know who you are... I'd love to mee'cha!
your gallery is nice, the gal and the pet goldfish is cute
Thank you nonesuch00... I love mixing up my genre's with my artworks. It's nice to do a 'cute' one now and then ;) Pleasure to mee'cha here in the forums!