Can a DAZ character get locked to stop saving?
What I mean is, in the way that a document can get locked into "read only" can the program do that to a character?
I was finalizing my character Dee S. Guise for Sakura 8. When I put her out last night on Renderhub everything was working perfectly.
I noticed today the character preset wasn't working properly, so naturally I immediately went to fix it and soon learned that somewhere between yesterday and today the DAZ program simply will not save any of my changes. I move a morph to the proper location, go through the motions to save, it doesn't move. I try to add Dee's character card, it goes through the saving motions, and doesn't save. I said, fine I'll make an entirely new dial slider. It told me it couldn't add to the Genesis node.
I've restarted the program I don't know how many times over it, and just... GRRR. Some days I seriously hate this program.
DS4 has had an Authorship lock since the beginning, it's meant to prevent users from overwriting files not made by them.
I've checked the files from your Sakura Faux and none of them have Authorship data, if the files for your character are the same then as far as DS is concerned they don't belong to you, and it's blocking you from saving your changes to them.
Hurh. I thought I was giving authorship data when I was saving a morph with the save dialogue. Where am I missing a step?
Look in DS preferences, there should be a section with your author name. This is what will be used for scenes and presets.
The authorship info when saving morph data or assets is used to put them in the right place inside the "data" folder
Yes, it says "Spearcarrier's Ghostfox" so that when I save that part is automatically filled in for me. Then when I save I select the product name from the drop down if I've been working on it.