
I'm a bit frustrated (but its late and I may just be missing it)  How does one load a floor?  I have shaders for floors ( a ton of them) but nothing to put them on?  and background.  Can I do a floor and a background separately?  So far all I have accomplished is to stretch some textures into a weird stretched thingy that is both floor and wall.  Which may come in useful at some point but.... its not really what I am looking for.  I need a stone floor and seascape or blue skies or something to show through the columns.  No rush to answer, its far past my bedtime and I am too frustrated to work on it anymore tonight.  I feel like an idiot but I just cant' find it.  I found a beach scene but its one of those wrap around things which isn't what I need.


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,122

    Here's what I do for a simple floor.

    I make a primitive plane.Then apply the shader I want to to it.This plane can then be scaled to any size.In "Texture Shaded" mode on the viewport you can set the tiling on the Surface tab for the plane to get the look you want while actually getting to see it in the viewport while you are doing it.You can do the same to make walls, just have to stand them up on end and position them as needed.

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