Autfit for G2?

I haven't used Genesis 2 yet, as I'm quite happy with Genesis and M4 and V4. I notice that when using autofit on Genesis there is a list of figures (V4, M4, A4 and so on), but with Genesis 2 there is only the choice of Genesis 2 female or Genesis. Why is that? Not being able to put M4 and V4 clothes on Genesis 2 makes it almost useless to me.


  • The supplied Autofit clones only work for the previous version, so G2 can autofit Genesis clothing out of the box.

    If you want to use V4 directly on G2F, then you need this :

    It can be done it two stages, Autofit to Genesis, save that, then autofit to G2F

  • The supplied Autofit clones only work for the previous version, so G2 can autofit Genesis clothing out of the box.

    If you want to use V4 directly on G2F, then you need this :

    It can be done it two stages, Autofit to Genesis, save that, then autofit to G2F

    If I do it in two stages, what would I save the autofitted to Genesis clothes as?


  • After you fit the item to Genesis, use File > Save As > Support Asset > Figure/prop Assets them save it in a DS format folder in your library.   Then load G2F, find the saved item (in DUF format) and apply it to G2F.   Autofit should then pop up as usual, select from Genesis this time.

  • Gave it a try. Took quite a while to save the autofitted item. Then when I tried to fit it to G2F it started to look ok but then stopped at 17% complete and wouldn't respond, so I had to shut it down. Perhaps there are too many calculations for my computer to handle? Although it is new, so that shouldn't be the case.

  • What are you using as the clothing item, I may have it and can try it too?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Try converting it in a fresh scene...preferably after a restart.  Sometimes I've found that doing several conversions in a row, can slow things down to a crawl.

  • The item was a bodysuit for V4 called Captain Vic. Tried it again today and things stopped at 17% again. Everything stopped, couldn't even launch Task Manager properly. I don't know if it's this item or the process itself, but either way, I think I'll stick with the old figures (m4, v4, genesis). I don't actually see the point in the G2 figures, they seem (to me anyway) less versatile then Genesis, and there's less stuff available for them.

  • Just trying it now Steve, got it on ShareCG.    It is taking a long time to save the converted suit to Genesis, several minutes on an i7  with 16GB.

    Doesn't work for me either, stops at 17% - Building Projrection Map.   It must be too complex or something, nearly had to reboot, but I managed to get Task Manager up after a few minutes and killed the process.



  • Yeah, 17% seems to be the cut off point. It must be this particular item if it doesn't work with a 16GB set up (I have about 7GB). I'll try the process with something else when I have time. Just my luck to pick the one item that screws things up!

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,886

    Try deleting the totally useless 12,000 morph asset files you created when you autofitted it to Genesis and then saved when you went "Figure/Prop Asset".

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