Size of viewport and final render sizes

So the viewport is generally only a small part in the middle of the entire field when working on something.  Is there a way to use all of the space in a final render?  I can't find anything to change sizes, or how to be able to make use of all of the space.  For insance, if I do a whole scene then turn on the viewport I have to shrink the entire scene until half the figures are so small you can't see them to fit them in the view port.  Which makes no sense to me at all. There is a lot of space wasted if you can only render what's in the viewport.  I am guessing there is a way to change it to landscape as well as portrait?  Maybe?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    The viewport is just for preview. you can change the render size in the render settings. It has presets you can use, or you can specify a custom size. Once you set this up you will have to press the render button to trigger it to use that.(then it will stop rendering in the viewport preview)

    it will open a new window, and it will have a dialog so you can name the fiel to save and where to save it.

    Prior to the implementation of Iray the viewport was always just the openGL preview. so it was easier to understand it was only a preview. With Iray I can see how new users think of it as a render view but it really is not intended for that.

    446 x 508 - 42K
    render window.png
    598 x 759 - 78K
    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    To further that, there's a setting you can select that will show a boarder inside your preview pane of your current render size settings. That way you can make sure what you want will be in your render while you are setting up the scene.

    I'll have to look for the setting when my current render is finished but I think it's something that should be on by default.

  • Its called aspect frame and I always use that. Its pretty much a requirement to have on when rendering with studio.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    To further that, there's a setting you can select that will show a boarder inside your preview pane of your current render size settings. That way you can make sure what you want will be in your render while you are setting up the scene.

    I'll have to look for the setting when my current render is finished but I think it's something that should be on by default.

    Top right corner of the Viewport, five lines and a down arrow which is a drop down menu, check Show Aspect Frame.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Thanks Fishtales :)

  • Thank God!  lol.  Thank you I will give that a try on the one I am working on now.  The dragon just refuses to fit into that tiny little spot!

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    You also set your image size in Render Settings/General/ either using Dimension Preset or Pixel Size (Global) and the Aspect Ratio.

  • Great thank you!  So much to learn...!


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