Problem with reality 4.1

This plug-in is really annoying
Can somebody explain to me what to do? Trying to install version 4.1 but it gives me this message.



Bez tytułu.png
1920 x 1080 - 2M


  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    I'm assuming that it's a manual install from an exe and not through Daz DIM?

    you need to right click the exe and select run as admin

    Or, if it's installed thorugh DIM, you need to right click DIM's exe and select run as admin.

    That should give your computer sufficiant rights to create the folders and files that are neccessary.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    You can't install Reality through DIM.


    I was able to install on drive C.

    Now I have another problem.Each render ends this command :   [2015-09-24 20:26:05 Severe error: 47] Parsing error in file 'D:/Nowy folder (21)/reality_scene.lxs' at line 2: syntax error

     As if that were not enough, DAZ shuts down when trying to turn accelerate rendering.I am frustrated ;(

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