Link to figure conversions

I read a thread a couple of days ago about what stuff works with which *person* and now cannot find it.  I.e.  Does the stuff for Victoria 4 work with the Genesis figure?  does Michael 4 stuff work with Genesis or with Genesis 2 male?  I was going to print it out and now can't find it for the life of me.  Every time I do a search I get a long list of show us your Iray Renders and not much of anything else.  I want to purchase some more clothing for Genesis and Genesis 2 but am afraid to buy it without knowing what works with what.  I swear I read that Victoria 4 stuff usually works with Genesis but am not commiting to any purchases until I know for sure lol.


  • Probably you mean this one?

    There's this as well: which is my creation...a little out-of-date now, as I haven't updated it for Genesis 3, but maybe still helpful.

    And here's the official Compatibility Matrix: (somewhat out-of-date also)

  • Thank you thank you thank you!  I am having an awful time figuring out who all these characters fit to.  V4 v5 v6 m4 m5 aiko etc.  Totally clueless lol.  and who are the kids 4 and what generation are they?  Thank you so much for the links that should be most helpful!

  • Wow you did a great job of explaining things!

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited September 2015

    Basically from genesis forward, each new generation can wear the clothes of the PRIOR generation with autofit. Other than that you likely would buy the autofit clones on the store that expand the range you can use autofit. For example there is a product on the store to let G3F wear V4, Genesis, G2M/G2F items. There are also tools to let Genesis 2 wear V4, and Genesis use Generation 3 items.

    However you can make them yourself if you follow a guide and have the time. Frankly worth the price in time savings IMO.

    Kids 4, is fourth generation. Who are they? Ankle-biters, but I thought that was obvious.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • lol definitely ankle biters.  Thank you!  I will find a guide and figure it out as soon as I can.  I prefer to learn to do as much myself as possible. eventually I want to learn to make the clothing textures hair and props. but that is a pretty far into the future.  I need to learn how to use the stuff first lol. 

  • You can also fit, say, Victoria 4 clothes to Genesis, save as an asset, fit that to Genesis 2 Female, save as an asset, and fit that to Genesis 3 Female. Of course all of the intermediate steps will each introduce slight distortions, but it is a free way to get from the fourth geenration to Genesis 3.

  • Thank you Richard!  Will give that a try as well!


  • Wow you did a great job of explaining things!

    Thanks! Glad you found it useful.

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