Aranging Panes In same Pannel

I'm not sure I'm uaing the right terms for all this...

Basicly, I'd like to take picture 1 and make it into picture 2 (which is photoshoped).

I'd like to have them in the same...window? tray?

I CAN arrange them so it's close (Picture 3), but they're free floating panes, and I'd rather them be locked together if possible.

Screenshot 2015-09-24 18.45.56 copy.png
848 x 1018 - 86K
Screenshot 2015-09-24 18.45.56.png
848 x 1018 - 67K
Screenshot 2015-09-24 18.54.49.png
1214 x 1065 - 149K


  • Just grab the Aux Viewport and drag it to the bottom of the Scene pane.   A yellow line will aopear, drop it there.   That is what I did in the image below, is that what you mean?

    532 x 722 - 169K
  • Make sure yu don't have Window>Workspace>Lock Docking/Undocking checked, and that the pane isn't set to be undockable in its option menu (lined button in the top corner, or right-click the pane's tab).

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