Contest ~~~ Because I Said So! (October 2015)

NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
edited November 2015 in Art Studio

The Entries Thread is now open.  CLOSED.


The November Contest is HERE

This contest starts the beginning of the month, October 1, 2015, and ends on the 25th of the month, midnight DAZ time, (click to see Mountain time clock) which is officially 24 days. This first one, you get the benefit of an early start. There will be a first, second, and third place winner.  I (Novica) am providing the prizes.  First place will be a $20 DAZ Gift Certificate, second place will be a $10 DAZ Gift Certificate, third place will be a $5 DAZ Gift Certificate. The winner' entries will be showcased in my Art Studio thread. Anyone who wishes to be a sponsor may also contribute and participate. Please PM me and I'll get it added. 

FirstBastion has generously offered to co-sponsor this first contest with an awesome offer! 

First place winner will receive TWO products  from his store!     Second place also wins a product from his store.  And yes, third place also wins a product from his store!  (Bundles excluded on all of these)

Thank you so much FirstBastion!  (I have 46 out of 69 of his products btw. Great stuff!) 

 If there is good participation, I will host another one for November. Any other vendors who would like to co-sponsor, please PM me.

So how does it work?

Read the statement(s) provided and render one or more humorously.  This contest is about the best rendered, funniest render, all in one. You will be able to vote anonymously and determine the winners. All registered forum members can vote. The first statements you will have to work with are:

"You SERIOUSLY thought that was a good idea?"  (past tense, action is done)

"You SERIOUSLY think this is a good idea?"  (makes it present tense)

 "You want me to do WHAT?"

Here are the guidelines. 

1. Maximum 4 entries. You must be logged in and use your registered account for the forums. (No guest/anonymous entries.)  Deadlines are strictly enforced when receiving entries- no exceptions. Entries must be in the ENTRIES thread to compete for the prizes.

2. Images must be .jpg format, new, and follow the TOS. If possible, please  embed in the post. Yes, you may post the images elsewhere once they have been posted here.  See the bottom of the post for how to embed images.

3. Put your title on the first line, then the Statement below your title  with your entry #. (Like Entry #1) 

4. You may put up to 10 lines (NOT SENTENCES) as a story or the dialogue between characters.

5. For this contest, you must use a minimum of 3 products. (You can use more.)   You should try and use most of the product, not a tiny kit-bashed piece.  See the bottom of the post for how to do a link.

Important: Only list your main 3 products in the first set of links. If you want to list ALL the products you used, list the others as the very last thing on your entry post, with links following the same guidelines. (Not required.) This keeps the posts from getting too bogged down at the top of each entry.

6. Postwork is allowed, but the overwhelming impression of the render should be the product on its own merit


Here is an example of an entry:

(Title) (Grandpa Applies to NASA)

"You SERIOUSLY thought that was a good idea?"     Entry #1   

(Products:) Name of Product 1  (with clickable link)

Product 2 (same as above)

Product 3  (same as above)   If you want to list more than 3, put the others at the bottom of your post. Thanks! 

RENDER goes here

Paragraph: If you write a description, remember maximum 10 lines. (not sentences!) 

Additional Links: Any additional products you want to list.


Use this thread for any questions, comments, works in progress/ask opinions or for assistance with the render or the contest. In other words, have fun. If you really found a product you like while you're using it, chat it up! Yes, PAs may also participate- strut your stuff!


How To Embed Images In The Post:

How to do this: (It's easy.) Attach your image using the Attach A File below this message area. Save the post. Now go to your image and click it to view it. Copy the URL.  Now Edit your post (mouse over the upper right corner above this area and you'll see a cog to click/Select Edit.) Next, go to the postcard icon above this message area and click it. Paste the URL where it says URL. For width and height, make sure width is 800 or less, and height is 600 or less. It will automatically keep the aspect ratio for you. Then, while the popup is still open, click on the Link tab and paste the URL there too. For Target, please select the "New Window (_blank) option so again, they stay on the thread. (If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me. I'll be glad to help you.)

How To Do A Link:

 To do a link: Click on the link icon (it's that chain-link above this text area) and paste it there where it says URL. IMPORTANT: there will be two tabs, Link Info and Target. The URL is in Link Info, so that's easy. What I need you to do is THEN click on the Target tab. Please open the drop down and select  "New Window (_blank) so when people do click on the link you've provided, they don't leave the thread. (Very annoying.)  


Post edited by Novica on


  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,103

    Awesome!  I've always wanted to start my own contest, but generally don't have the funds or the time.  But I'll probably enter this one if I can think of a good render!  Thanks!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    You're very welcome. I tried to do something that hasn't been done before, which leaves a lot of leeway in what you render. I'll have the entry thread up the 1st of October, and linked from this thread. Have fun! 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    FirstBastion has generously offered to co-sponsor this first contest with an awesome offer! 

    First place winner will receive TWO products  from his store!     Second place also wins a product from his store.  And yes, third place also wins a product from his store!  (Bundles excluded on all of these)

    Although I had mentioned rendering the vendor to win vendor's prizes, that is not a requirement. It will be a straight 1,2,3 place winner reward! Thank you so much FirstBastion!  (I have 46 out of 69 of his products btw. Great stuff!) 

    Any other vendors who would like to co-sponsor, please PM me.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    I've clarified about the image size- the restrictions of a maximum pixel size of 600 pixels vertically, and 800 horizontally is for the image placed inside the post. That was clear. However, I added the original can be up to 2000 pixels, as per the forum guidelines. When they click on the image in the post, they will go to your larger image. 

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Novica said:

    FirstBastion has generously offered to co-sponsor this first contest with an awesome offer! 

    First place winner will receive TWO products  from his store!     Second place also wins a product from his store.  And yes, third place also wins a product from his store!  (Bundles excluded on all of these)

    Although I had mentioned rendering the vendor to win vendor's prizes, that is not a requirement. It will be a straight 1,2,3 place winner reward! Thank you so much FirstBastion!  (I have 46 out of 69 of his products btw. Great stuff!) 

    Any other vendors who would like to co-sponsor, please PM me.

    I love First Bastion's stuff.  Now if I can come up with an idea.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited October 2015

    me next


    000 me next.jpg
    782 x 782 - 72K
    Post edited by bigh on
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664

    So, they have to be made only using 4 items? (I'm confused by the "link" section you mention).

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    bigh said:

    me next


    thats Cute Bigh

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited October 2015
    Scavenger said:

    So, they have to be made only using 4 items? (I'm confused by the "link" section you mention).

    No, it's a minimum of four. You can definitely use more.  Put the four main items in the link section, as shown in the example. If you use more, those links would go at the bottom. I didn't want a lot of links at the top, before the render was shown. I edited and added (you can use more) so it is really easy to understand. Thanks for asking!

    I'm doing one for fun (not an entry) and it's FirstBastion's mall- and man, the number of products it takes to do ONE store. 

    Cute Bigh!

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Also, if it helps, you can change the verb tense. If you want to do "You seriously THINK that IS a good idea?" and put it in the present instead of past tense, feel free. The other statement should stay the same. ("You want me to do what?") 

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    thanks guys !

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    I've simplified the requirements based on feedback (I tend to be too detailed oriented) so I'll try with looser guidelines and we'll see if that works. It was wordy so I combined a few things. Hope this helps.  I took out the requirement for images to have a minimum dimension, and to embed the entry in the post. (But that increases your chances of winning, if people can more easily see it IMO)  

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Someone asked if the minimum products could be three- I'm okay with that. So I've changed it to three. 

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited October 2015
    Novica said:

    Someone asked if the minimum products could be three- I'm okay with that. So I've changed it to three. 

    what if I don't have a link ?

    been here a long time .

    I guess you mean Daz stuff .

    Post edited by bigh on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,738

    So we only post the finished renders in the Entries Thread? 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited October 2015

    If you don't have a link for older products, that's okay. The name of the product will be fine. Have fun!

    Yes, put Entries in the Entries thread. (Link in first post)  Only the ones in that thread will be eligible for prizes. (I'll remind people if I see renders here and not in that thread.) 

    Put WIPs or ones you'd like opinions on, etc, in this thread. This is the chit chat, comments, questions thread.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited October 2015

    Congratulations to our first contest entry ever. FirstBastion and I have a surprise for you! Because you are the very first official entry (in what hopefully might be a long running contest, if there's enough participation) we decided to reward the first person who posted an official entry. So Sasje, guess what? You'll be able to select a prize (bundles excluded) from FirstBastion's store!  Please PM him with your choice. Thank you so much Sasje (I giggled when I saw it, which is the point of the entire contest) and also you FirstBastion!


    I'm still working on mine, but I'm using his mall and it's taking me forever to do two stores, lol. Still getting the concept firmed up too. This is fun! 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited October 2015
    Novica said:

    Congratulations to our first contest entry ever. FirstBastion and I have a surprise for you! Because you are the very first official entry (in what hopefully might be a long running contest, if there's enough participation) we decided to reward the first person who posted an official entry. So Sasje, guess what? You'll be able to select a prize (bundles excluded) from FirstBastion's store!  Please PM him with your choice. Thank you so much Sasje (I giggled when I saw it, which is the point of the entire contest) and than you FirstBastion!


    I'm still working on mine, but I'm using his mall and it's taking me forever to do two stores, lol. Still getting the concept firmed up too. This is fun! 



    Thanks Novica, you two really suprised me with that, not really what to say smiley

    Thank you smiley and It's really fun to do



    Post edited by Sasje on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,750

    Hi Sasje, congratulations,   I received your PM and responded.  We're off to a good start. 

    I will add,  that DAZ asks for the email address when granting prizes to make sure the winning product gets allocated to the correct account,  with a million user names floating around, and some fairly similar to each other,    this just helps make sure the products goes to the correct account. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,609

    I really like that entry. It certainly is deserving of winning an awesome firstbastion product. I'm still thinking over an entry. I'm not terrible gifted at funny renders but we'll see.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Oh, a sci fi entry would be cool (or any other kind for that matter!)  I'm working on mine (not an entry, for fun only) but building the set has taken me days. It's in FirstBastion's mall.smiley  (A must have set- AWESOME. Huge, so many places to create scenes, it's mind boggling. I can't imagine modeling that thing.)

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    how did you get here ?

    I was looking for South Pole !


    000 how did you get here.jpg
    1028 x 694 - 616K
  • Novica said:

    Oh, a sci fi entry would be cool (or any other kind for that matter!)  I'm working on mine (not an entry, for fun only) but building the set has taken me days. It's in FirstBastion's mall.smiley  (A must have set- AWESOME. Huge, so many places to create scenes, it's mind boggling. I can't imagine modeling that thing.)

    Isn't it, though?  I have been having fun setting up all kinds of stores in it.  At some point, I will have to actually make a render with it.  I didn't realize when I bought it that it would be so HUGE, but should have know since I have most of FirstBastion's products. Cant't wait to see what you do with it.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Well, you won't see most of it, lol. I'm filling in two stores as backgrounds. Hopefully won't need more than that. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Hoppity, love your Elfsicle! That was a good kitbash on the outfit, and the expression on her face is priceless. Definitely, NOT a good idea. Great render!

  • HoppittyHoppitty Posts: 473

    Thank you! Definitely looking forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with. :)

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited October 2015

    Oh my Luci, that's SOME shortcut. Very clever! You folks are bringing your A game. I can see why the twin isn't appreciative of her sister's creativity.

    Speaking of which, Bigh, put your robot/penguin in the entry thread, it's adorable and funny! (Reminder- Create a title (Like "Waddling To The South Pole")  with "You SERIOUSLY thought that was a good idea?"  below it and follow the format.  That definitely also needs to be an entry. I've been watching to see if you were going to put it in the Entry Thread and since you haven't, going to poke ya!) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Luci and Sasje- I liked the way Hoppity put a real title, with the statement below it, so if you want to do a title for yours, feel free. (Not required.)  It helps to set the mood for the render and gives you a boost IMO. I made it optional up in the guidelines. 

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,738
    Novica said:

    Luci and Sasje- I liked the way Hoppity put a real title, with the statement below it, so if you want to do a title for yours, feel free. (Not required.)  It helps to set the mood for the render and gives you a boost IMO. I made it optional up in the guidelines. 

    OK, I will fix that. There is a lot of verbiage to read through and I forget things so easily. blush

    And thanks. I've got a couple more going as well. 

    Some really fun renders so far! smiley

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835


    This is just fun to do, hopeful there will be more people to join in smiley

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