How to Map Folders BONUS! Frustration with New Forum Search
Ok so I have an issue where it seems a lot of my content no longer has any mapped folders in the content library. I discovered this when I went to create a new product folder which I use as like a Favorites system. The process I had been using was to locate an item under a mapped folder then right click and create a product. That's when I noticed there's quite a bit of stuff missing, I *think* this happened a while ago when I clicked "Migrate Old Content Database" which wasn't quite what I was really trying to do at the time but it seems I messed up a bunch of stuff after I went through this process. The products without folders are still visible in Smart Content and under the Products letter folder, but I can't "show in mapped folder" which (as far as I know) is essential in Creating a Product.
Anyway, naturally I turned to the forums for help only when I typed in the phrase "Create a Product" it gave me every single post that included the letter "a".
WHAT? How is *that* supposed to be helpful!?
Am I missing something? I looked but I don't see a way to narrow, filter, or provide advanced search parameters on this new forum. It doesn't matter what phrase or single keyword I search for I get nothing back but a slew of irrelevant results.
Can someone please either point me in the right direction with my mapped folder problem or help me navigate this new forum?
Thank you so much!