About using Hide Unselected Objsects
I have a scene with a cottage with someone inside.
I wanted to place a hat (prop) on that figure, so I selected the figure and the hat and then clicked HideUnselectedObjects.
If I click on the hat to move it, the person/figure disappears.
This limits the utility of this otherwise great HideUnselectedObjects feature.
Is there a good way around this (aside from dressing the figure ahead of time)?
In this case I can use CTRL K to roughly align hat with head and then position with an indoor camera, but I was wondering if there was some general approach to using the HideUnselectedObjects feature since it would often seem the case that you need to keep a number of items visible while only moving a specific one.
go the other way, untick visibility on the house.
Yeah, that works for this case, but I was hoping there'd be some clever way to make this function more useful, because you often want to move one object in relation to another, and I guess that's not possible with the current setup. I think you'd need some override function to leave certain objects visible even when not selected, or a primary selection for object to be manipulated and secondary for those you want visible.
hey Mosk
not an answer to the question but one to the problem
if you group the figure and the hat then double lcick on the group in the list on the right
then you will 'jump in'
or when th egroup is selcted use ctrl [
, then you will got to a new window that only has the objects in that group
everything elses vanishes
it's very hand for posing figures in a really crowdded scene
sorry about tghe typos ;)
hey Mr Finnie! are you still using alternate means of accesing your keyboard due to your hand injury?
or just a bad speller ;-P
I am still using my nodes to type
I used my wooden leg for a while but ended up with splinters on the keyboard ....
just kdding, the truth is, th e letters on my keyboard ar e all mixed up!
you do not want to know what I thought you could use!
(though looking at the monitor while using your nose difficult)
I use a gonioscope