
in Art Studio
In an effort to justify the amount of money spent on assets, I've decided to commit to using everything I purchase. So for every order I place, I'll be making a render (or two) within a day or two. Some items from different orders may get jumbled together, but I figure that's okay as long as they all get used. The inagural order date is June 5, 2023.
The goal is to both help keep me from buying stuff I'll never use as well as sparking my creativity and helping me become more adept at the software. This thread will (hopefully) keep me accountable.
Dust Off
1 of 2 from order dated 5 June 2023
Bullatan HD Creature
MIL Dropship Renegade
Off to a good start!
Great idea! I wish you all the self-discipline you need!
Thist is exactly thet right way to manage content: USE IT.
Great image to start the thread.
Thanks for the vote of support.
I usually see things in the store and say, "Oooh, that'll make a good render... someday." Well, now Someday is Today (or really soon at least). I appreciate the encouragement.
Made For Each Other (Prelim)
Render 2/2 from the 5 June order.
Sort of -- I'm having trouble getting a complete render (like, 30% finished after 9 hours). But I wanted to get something posted, so here's the image with a lot of Photoshop de-noising.
From the DAZ Store:
DIY Cyborg Outfit for Genesis 8 Females
DIY Cyborg Outfit for Genesis 8 Males
dForce White Tie Outfit Textures
Sabian Boots for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Males
From the Renderosity Store:
Demon Hunter dforce outfit for Genesis 8 & 8.1 Females
InStyle - Demon Hunter dforce outfit for Genesis 8 & 8.1 Females
VYK Cimarron for Genesis 8.1 Female
That render looks fine. I don't think you need any more time on render 2. The dark surroundings and glowing surfaces probably made for a long render. I'm looking forward to number 3.
The perfectionist in me balks at the idea of leaving it. I think I have a way to help the rendering, though. But, I did make something from the items, so the mission's been accomplished in that respect.
I love the premise of what you are doing! I should adopt this mentality to keep my spending down especially since I can take a week on a single render at times.
I wish you all of the strength and discipline to keep this going! Especially during these incredible sales.
LOL, yeah, these sales can be hard to resist. Thanks for the support.
Dangerous Pair
Includes items purchased June 7, 10, 11, and 12 (I'm catching up)
A render waiting for me to decide on a background.
Recent purchases used:
Assassin 8.1
Assassin 8.1 HD Add-On
The Guardian 2.0 Outfit for Genesis 9
MMX Genesis 9 Clones for All
Geo Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Colors for Geo Hair
Next Level Outfit Genesis 8 and 8.1F (Renderosity)
Female model is Clara 8.1 w/ HD Add-on.
Come Here Often?
Includes items purchased June 7, 15 and 17; you'll be seeing that last date a lot thanks to the Gia 8 Pro bundle that was on sale that day.
This one's a bit noisy and grainy, too, but it seems to suit it.
Recent purchases used:
Gia 8 & Gia 8 HD Add-On
Z The Chosen One - Poses and Expressions for Genesis 8 Female and Gia 8
Fancy Cocktails Wearable Poses for Genesis 8 Female
dForce Conflict Dress for Genesis 8 Females (Renderosity)
Breezy Day
Includes items purchased June 10, 15, and 30.
I played around with a wind node in this one. I definitely need to learn more about using it effectively.
Recent Purchases used:
Monique 8
MRL dForce Long Morphing Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s)
dForce Trendy Long Halter G8G8.1F (from Renderosity)
The blowing sand adds a lot to the render.
Thanks. I'm trying to get better at postwork.
Great concept!
Jeciasa with a Guitar
Includes items purchased June 17 and July 3 and 4.
Jeciasa is a Mirialan, an alien race from Star Wars. The render is for an in-game event flyer for Star Wars: The New Republic. The guitar gave me some fits that, if I knew how to use DFormers, would probably not have been as much as an issue (hint: look at the way the strap clings to the model's breast and the point where it connects to the guitar). This image is straight out of DAZ, before any postwork.
Recent purchases used:
dForce Rock On Outfit for Genesis 8 Female(s)
Rock Star Series - Modern Guitars
dForce Classic Blowout Hair for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females
Uses items purchased June 15.
Another pre-postwork image for an event promo flyer.
Recent purchases used:
Twosret 8 & Twosret 8 HD Add-On
very good serie !
Thanks! Part of what I use DAZ for is making promo materials for events hosted by my guild in SWTOR.
Darth Nox and Khem Val
"Come along, Khem; there's no shortage of lives to devour."
In Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Sith Inquisitor character -- if they embrace the Dark Side -- becomes known as Darth Nox. Their first companion is Khem Val, an ancient being known as a Dashade (de-SHAHD).
This render uses purchases from June 21 and 29 and July 3 and 5 (I'm trying to catch up!).
Recent purchases used:
Millawa 8 and Millawa 8 HD Add-On
Korvath HD for Genesis 8 Male
MRL Gem Hair for Genesis 3 and 8 Female
Is She Bluffing?
Another image for an event promo flyer. Uses purchases from June 10 and July 7.
Recent purchases used:
Leony HD for Victoria 8
Colors for Greer Hair
That is a very "Vegas" type image.
Also like the lighting on the NOX image above.
Thank you!
Your Car is Ready
It's been awhile! Here's a scene I tossed together with a few of my recently-acquired assets:
New items used:
Apex Hair for Genesis 3 & Genesis 8 Female(s)
Zhen HD for Genesis 8.1 Male
HS Fade with Spike Hair and Beard For Genesis 9, Genesis 8, and 8.1 Males
FH Back Entrance
Sonja HD for Victoria 8 (Renderosity)
Fleur Mini for G8/8.1 Females (Renderosity)
You may have quickly tossed it together, but it's excellent! I especially love how you took the time to have him staring directly at her...
...eyes! ;) Very well done. I like all of your renders. Very cool!
I'm glad to see you are still working on your project! The woman looks great. I can believe she is a diva backstage.You got her pose going up the steps just right.