Wrapped Flower Bouquet
There are plenty of bouquets in vases and individual roses, but I don't seem to be able to find a simple paper- or plastic-wrapped bouquet - you know, the way most people tend to give them on a date or special occasion. Anyone seen any?
There are a couple of old free ones, (roses only, wrapped in cellophane) .available, but I'm not sure if it's ok to post links to them in Product Suggestions forum.
I have this set and I like it a lot because you can arrange them how you wish and add other single flowers from other sets, but it doesn't have paper or cello.
Yes, it is okay to link to free products if someone is looking for something.
There is a bouquet of long-stemmed roses, with a ribbon in the Flower Cart but it is not wrapped in cellophane. But maybe a square primitive, dForced and shaded with a wax shader and opacity cut down might work?
There is also a free one at another store. It's single wrapped rose.
keep in mind that it is only ok if the place you are linking to is legit and doesn't sell pirated product or NSFW content. usually meaning that renderosity, Sharecg or the normal 3D sites like Turbosquid are ok.
Thanks so much for the suggestions! Sadly most things out there seem to be either poorly-modeled or so old the texture files are poor and low-res. I do have the Daz Original "The Rose" which in spite of being long in the tooth is quite an axcellent product. Maybe puting a bunch of those in a long boz tied with a ribbon might work.
Yeah I was thinking of trying to adapt something from The Flower Cart. I like the idea of using a square (or cylindrical?) primitive with dForce - good suggestion. Possibly with an opacity map to give it an angled cut, like the way they're normally wrapped?
you could attack a cone primitive with the geometry editor