Organizing Files Frustration

Okay so I have organized my Daz files under my owm folders for ease of use. Basically what I am doing is once the files are loaded into the library according to where they go (runtime, data, materials etc etc.) I then find the object, hair, character or whatever on in my daz studio (either under poser files or daz studio files) and I copy the main prop or whatever into the appropriate personal folder I have created (i.e. !hair, !clothing or whatever). Most of the time this works just fine. However, about a quarter of them don't, mainly ones that are in the poser portion of the files. For instance, MDC's (Adam Thwaite) while all of his files load fine on the poser side they won't transfer over to my new folders. I mean the folder copies but when you click on it nothing shows. Even though if you browse to that folder it has the exact same things in it that the poser side files have in it that work.
Yes, that's the way it's supposed to work. Look more carefully at the folder icons in the Content Library tab; the plain icons are for Poser content, the ones with a little stylised "S" are for D|S native format content. The two don't mix — you can't see D|S content in a Poser folder, and you can't see Poser content in a D|S folder. If you want to bring everything together into the D|S content section, you can't just copy the folders over, you must load each Poser item and save it properly into the D|S Content Library section by converting it into a Support Asset. Remember, when you load a Poser item into your scene, you aren't just loading it like a native D|S item, it's being automatically converted behind the scenes, then loaded into your scene.
Ahhh that at least makes sense! Thank you! Then I will just organize my daz content and will know to look in the Poser section for the rest. That will at least cut down on the frustration lol.