Water in a Boat

If I use a water plane and place an open top boat, such as the Jolly Boat, the boat does not displace the water. The water can be seen inside of the boat. Is there a way to fix this?

Water in Boat.png
905 x 702 - 1M
Post edited by JackReason on
One could morph the water to have a boat dip in it.
One could make a water plane with a boat area cut out of it.
Actually in D/S I seem to recall there is a way to select certain faces and "delete" them too.
You have a few obvious options: one is a transparency map hiding part of the water plane, but that will work only if the plane doesn't tile (unlikely); the next, if the plane is high-resolution (also unlikely) is to use the Geometry Edit tool in DS or the Grouping Tool in Poser to make a new material for area the inside the boat and make that transparent; the simplest solution is probably to do two renders, one with water and one without, layer them water on top of no water and erase/mask the area of the upper image inside the boat - with luck there will be a wide enough band of the boat above the water line all around that you won't have to be at all precise.
Minor comments: two renders would probably be my first choice as well.
"Geometry Edit Tool" sounds like a powerful concept. I wonder where this is located, and also where the documentation for it is at...?
Thanks, Roman
To select individual polygons and create a new surface: Tools > "Geometry Editor". In the viewport, click on one poly to select it then hold Ctrl down and select any other polygons you want (or optionally you can select with a rectangle). To remove a polygon from a group of selected polygons, ALT key and Left Mouse. Right click and choose Geometry Assignment > Create Surface from Selected. (you can also TEMPORARILY hide polygons here with "Polygon Visibility" > "Hide selected", but this isn't saved with the scene. TODO UNVERIFIED-->If you right click and ‘Remove Hidden Facets’ it will permanently delete any hidden areas.) Give the new surface a name. You will then see a new material zone in the "Surfaces (color)" pane. You can set it to 0% opacity to make it permanently hidden. If you want to see what the Uvmapping is like select all the surfaces and go in to UVView mode
under Tools menu and http://www.daz3d.com/forums/viewthread/14082/#204267 and http://www.daz3d.com/forums/viewthread/47542/#694751 and http://www.daz3d.com/forums/viewthread/42088/
I was familiar with the geometry editor, but there wasn't enough polygons in any of my water planes to make it usable.
To test the concept, I created a primitive plane with a large number of divisions. Using the geometry editor, I selected the plane polygons that were visible inside the boat and turned off their visibility. Then I applied a water shader to the plane.
Thanks for the ideas.