My DAZ 3D Library
My DAZ 3D Library, what is it and what is supposed to be in it and how does it get there?
I have DAZ Studio 4.8 installed on a second internal HD in my MAC Mini. Also there are a few DAZ files still on my main HD in Applications from an old DAZ install/uninstall that I would like to get rid. I'm just not sure if they belong there or should be deleted. DAZ Studio seems to work as I continue to learn the program.
Screen shots below.
Forum help would be greatly appreciated.

Screenshot 2015-10-05 01.55.18.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 801K

Screenshot 2015-10-04 18.46.12.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 865K

Screenshot 2015-10-04 18.38.10.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 881K
My DAZ 3D Library is the default folder that is used by DIM (DAZ Install Manager) to install all of your DAZ Studio and Poser Content bought from DAZ 3D.
Where, and how, are you currently installing content from DAZ 3D (the store here)? Do you use DIM, and do you install to My DAZ 3D library?
I see that you have 'My DAZ 3D Library' listed in DAZ Studio Formats, but it also needs to be listed under Poser Formats as well, or you wont see any content which is in Poser format inside DS, like CR2, PZ2, PP2 etc.etc.
I don;t use a Mac, so I will let one of our Mac users advise you on your other questions..
"My DAZ3D Library" is the default content directory used by DS.
I added some Poser Runtimes to DAZ Studio and right now I can access and open Poser files like the older DAZ V4/M4 CR2, PZ2 and PP2 content.
Screen shots of DIM as I have it set up now.
You should really have separate install folders for 32 bit and 64 bit programs. The Download folder should not be the same folder as Install folder.
Thanks, I will reconfigure the two items. I am confused about the 32/64 bit programs in different folders. I just assumed the computer would know which programs go where. I just want ALL my DAZ Studio content (and folders) on the Second internal HD. Should the downlad be set for My DAZ 3D Library?
64 bit apps go into the programs folder and 32 bit goes into programs x86
64 bit apps would then go into/onto my main HD, if I understand correctly. What is the x86? Haven't heard that reference before.
And does any of this mean I need to do another Uninstall/Install of DAZ? I would like everything DAZ on the second internal drive if possible.
All your 32bit software goes into x86. 64 bit software won't work in this folder most of the time. You can install the software on your main HD and then put your content on an external drive. You just need to link DS to it and DIM.
Program Files/Program Files (x86) is a Windows distinction. I'm not sure how Macs handle this.
Did a little checking. If I am understanding this correctly, my Mac Mini (OS 10.10.5) runs and supports only 64 bit apps. I take that to mean that 32 bit is not an opption or relevent (I think).
Do I need to configure the DIM Download to the second internal drive as shown in the Screenshot? And will this necessitate doing another Install of DAZ Studio?
I am using DS and it seems to have all of my content and works pretty well. My question is about using My DAZ 3D Library (for convenience and the fact I tend to try to be a perfectionist).
DIM is 32 bit, so since you are running that your Mac wil definitely run 32 bit applications.
Any 64 bit OS can generally run a 32 bit program. You should not worry about this diffrence unless your OS is only 32 bit.
Thanks, Richard. DIM is running and installing DAZ content and I can find and use all of it. So should I just leave DIM set as is or try to re-route it to My DAZ 3D Libary?
My point about the My DAZ 3D Libary was to make use of it AND to delete the one on my main drive (where Applications are and keep DAZ content on the Second Drive. Sorry if Im not making sense but still in the learn mode.
Thanks again
Got it, makes sense, and appreciate the help.
Now, how about using My DAZ 3D Libary, or how to move exsisting content to that location.
Having separate 32 bit and 64bit program folders is a "better safe than sorry" precaution, it removes the chance of add-ons and plug-ins for the 32 bit program ending up in the 64 bit program and vice-versa.
I will let my Mac system OS worry about the 32/64 bit software as it has not caused any problems (that I can tell).
I really would like to know how to move current DAZ content into "My DAZ 3D Libary" or do I need to start all over with a fresh install of DAZ studio.
Installing DS won't affect content. For file access you just need to add the new locations as content directories (and remove the old) - you can remove a directory from the Content Library pane by right-clicking on it under its relevant ... Formats heading, you can add a new directory by right-clickin on the Formats heading itself. To update the Content Management System you need to find one of the moved products under products in the Content Library, right-click on it and select Database>Edit Base paths, then in the dialogue box select the new path and set the option to update all items using the same base dierctory.
I will work on that and try to us My DAZ 3D Library and see what happens.
The OS has no control over where an installer may choose to put a file. Computers are not smart so never leave anything to chance with them and never let them try to think for you.
With DIM you can put it wherever you want it to go so that isn't true.