How to disable png_icon files in render library? [solved]
is there a way to disable the creation of *png_icon.png files in the render library?
It's getting kind of insane that I delete them, and the next day an extra 20000+ files are back again. :( This makes browsing through the folder really inconvinient.
Thanks. :)
Post edited by Ati on
When I delete them they stay deleted unless I re-save the scene. But I agree it would be good to be able to not have them produced altogether. Not sure that is possible, probably not as it seems to be part of DS scripting.
I haven't actually figured out when they get back. Sometimes they are not back for a few days. Sometimes they are back within minutes.
The only way to avoid them is not to use the Render Library - leave the folder empty, or point it to a folder that won't hold images using the directory manager (from the Render Library pane option menu - lined button in the top corner or right-click the tab). In the render window you can tell DS to use Folder isntead of Library as the location.
I save all of my png and jpeg to a separate folder in pictures. Its a lot easier for me to find them as well.
Thank you Richard, I will give this a try.
Accessing the folder is not a problem: I just right-click on the file explorer, that brings up the most frequently used folders, the Render Library being one of them, and it's just a click from there. My problem is that I do animations, frame by frame, and a png_icon file gets created for every single frame... :D
Render Library folders are defined on the Render Library tab (Windows>Panes(tabs)>Render Library). These folders are visible within the DAZ Content Library Render Library Tab and as such, icons are automatically generated. To avoid the icon files, save your files to a folder that is not defined as a Render Library folder on the Render Library tab.
To view the list of currently defined Render Library folders:
1. Windows>Panes(tabs)>Render Library.
2. On the Folders: box, click on the drop down triangle on the right.
3. Click on the Manage Directories.. to bring up the Render Directory Manager which shows the current Render Library folders.
To answer your original question, Remove the "Render Library" folder from the Render Directory Manager list to stop the generation of icons which will also remove the folder from the Render Library tab.
Just a quick followup.
I've just finished a project that prevented me from trying this earlier. (I did not want to mess with moving files mid-project.) Now I moved everything out of the Render Library.
Wow. It made a HUGE difference. Startup time of Daz Studio dropped from around 15 minutes to 15 SECONDS.
Thanks for the tip! :)