Export only part of a morph?

I somehow got a foot and hand pose stuck in with my Face morph... What can I do to save the face morph but remove the hand/foot pose data from the morph?
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I somehow got a foot and hand pose stuck in with my Face morph... What can I do to save the face morph but remove the hand/foot pose data from the morph?
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If you know where the "foot and hand pose" came from to "undial" or "remove it" from the figure in D/S, do that and then send the face morph out and bring it back in to an unmorphed figure to remake the face morph.
If they are "just" morph poses, you may be able to make a "default morph pose" for the figure to use to remove the undesired pose morphs. Haven't tried that yet myself but theoretically it could work.
If I had that kind of problem, it would be awesome, but instead, the foot & hand has some bizarre distortion ( from loading a Poser pose in DS )...
Couldn't figure out how to break the hand/foot morph out of the face morph, BUT THANK GOD and Dropbox for Version History. I was able to go back to yesterday morning and get a copy of my .obj before it got the busted appendages. *whew* I was almost gonna cry. LOL
edit - still gonna cry, got the foot fixed but her wrist is perpetually broken.
Yeah some of the poser pose files are a 'challenge' ... have been remaking some of them into morph pose files. Some have "partial" morphs findable only if/when the right "bone" is selected. However what you're describing I think is beyond a fix with this ... but might be worth a look for?
Are you using ZBrush?
Kerya - I am indeed and this was incredibly useful. Many thanks ( I would've never found these with those titles.. )
update - i was able to find the offending morph that was breaking her wrist ( it was a correction morph actually! ) so once I displayed hidden morphs, i set that particular one to -100% and it reversed the damage to her morph so I was able to export a clean one.
Congrats :-)
Thank you so much!