Problem with lighting in Iray (Stonemasons scenes: City Ruins 01 - 04)

Hi there,
I'm a newbie to 3D and DAZ Studio (and this forum - hello everybody), but I usually experience no problems in getting my renders in Iray lighted. I now purchased Stonemasons City Ruins 01 - 04 and no matter what I try, in Iray the scene is always lighted from all sides as if there was a distant, slightly blueish light although no lights are visible anywhere. The headlamps of all cameras are off, there is no skydome or anything else except the camera(s) and the the ruin itself visible in the scene tab. Even when I add a new primitive (a sphere for example), convert it to Iray and let it emit light this light is not visible in the render ... just this distant blueish light out of nowhere.
No problems when rendering with 3Delight: If there are no lights in the scene visible, the render is black; if i set up a light, it isn't. I'm sure it's my fault, but I have absolutely no idea, where i make it. I'd appreciate any suggestion. Thanks!
What are your settings under Environment in Render Settings?
I tried to attach a screenshot of my environment settings. Hope this works.
You still have the dome contributing to the render, so the Ruins HDR (that you can see in a mini-thumbnail a third of the way down your image) is still contributing light. You could try using a different HDR (there's a thread in the Freebies forum with links, and there are many packs in the store) or you could try removing the map (click the thumbnail and select None), then use the SunSky settings that appear to set a time of day and location
I see, I've got a lot to learn. Worked fine, but I had to change the environment mode from "dome and scene" to "scene only" too to get a black render.
Thank you so much for the quick and helpful answer.