D-formers not showing in Scene tab

in New Users
I'm trying to use a D-Former on an item of clothing. (I am only doing this as a last resort as, though I find D-Formers to be horrific to work with, nothing else will solve the poke-through.) I have created the D-Former via Edit->Create D-Former, and either giving it a name when prompted or accepting the default. I see a big red wireframe sphere in the viewport, but the thing does not show up in the Scene tab. Hence I cannot select it and move it to where I want it to be, or scale it in anyway. I have the clothing item selected in the Scene tab when I create the D-Former.
Can anyone offer ny ideas why it's not showing up in the Scene tab?
It isn't appearing as a child of the clothing item? Open the Scene pane option menu (the lined button in the corner, or right-click the tab) and make sure that DForms are checked in the Show sub-menu.
Ah yes, thanks for that, have no idea how that got switched off. So now it's listed as a child of the clothing item, but even with the d-former field selected in the Scene tab, there are no vertices highlighted in red/yellow on the clothing item, despite the fact that almost all of it is within the red wireframe sphere. Is there another setting that switches off the display of those?
Is it possible you created the deformer on something other than what you expected and you are looking in the wrong place in the scene tab? Like you created it on the figure instead of the figure's clothing or something.
Also, if a pose has a figure at an odd rotation (such as bent over or upside-down) the D-former is is way off (it loads as if the person is in a T-pose) so you may have to move the wireframe around a bit until you see the vertices on the clothing item start highlighting. (also, if the person is upside-down, then moving the wireframe up actually starts highlighting vertices from the feet side of the item and works it's way to the head area.
Thanks for the suggestions. It seems to be the items in a particular G3F outfit - 'EveryDay' by Aeon Soul - both the shirt and the pants are refusing to be influenced by the D-former field - the vertices just don't 'light up'.
And stranger still, the D-formers do work with the EveryDay outfit items when they are loaded on a base G3F, but do not work when the items are loaded on V7. I doubt many users just use the base G3F.
I swapped the pants for a pair of shorts from another outfit and the D-former works, so it isn't something I am doing wrong. But I'd far rather use the EveryDay pants if the D-former issue could be resolved.