Required items not owned

I think this has been mentioned a bunch of times before, buuuut...

Very often there are free items which are expansions/textures for other products. I assume the intent is to help spur people to buy the root product. But I, like many people, have a budget at fixed intervals or periods. If I don't have money for stuff, I don't have money. But I pick up the free stuff anyway, just in case I want the item later... but then I forget about it and have no idea what I'm missing a month or three later.


It would be nice to have a simple display of items I could purchase to make use of other stuff I own. Basically, show me unmet prerequisites.



  • That's a good idea. I'm in the exact same boat, and have to exist on freebies at the moment.

    Just today I picked up the Luminous Diamond freebie, which requires Diamond Hair. If you go to the Luminous Diamond product page, it shows Diamond Hair as a "Required Product", so there must already be a way they can link products with dependencies. It would be nice to show that in your product library, without having to visit the store page of every item that *might* need a base product in order to function.

    So +1 from me.

  • MoreTNMoreTN Posts: 274

    Yep, +1 from me, too.

  • To put it another way, DAZ is "leaving money on the table" by not implementing such a thing.

     +1 from me as well as I've been slapped by this annoyance a few times.

  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101

    why not put the needed items on your wishlist and add a comment why you need it :-) 

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,970

    I have 460 items on my wishlist. I don't really want to try to keep notes on all of that. ;)

  • CauriBCauriB Posts: 101

    ok, you have a point :-)

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