How do you repair muscle morphs via the property hierarchy?
xenic101's muscle morphs are the most "flexible" ( ) and accurate flex morphs as every joint is represented with it's corresponding muscle group, but unfortunately, the resting positions as well as the morphed flex are a bit over-done, and I would like to know a better way to tone them down a bit...
Here we Have G1's Genesis Evolution muscularity morphs, where you'll notice that the muscles when flexed match the overall scale of the character's physique.
Next we have SimonWM's Muscularity Morphs for G2 Like Daz's morph package, the morphs at rest and when flexed, also match the overall scale of the figure.
However, even though the range of the flexed morphs are superbly represented, it is the upper torso and arms that stands out the most as being out of proportion in relation to the character's over all physique and scale even at rest when at rest, as evidenced by the second pic, as it's at only 25% of the preferred strength, and even then, it's still not in proportion to the overall physique of the character...It also needs to be noted that the same problem is found in the rest of the torso and lower extremities.
I tried to simply half the morphs when the main MCM is enabled, and have tried the painstaking process of going down the morph list with every joint bend, twist, and "Front to back" rotation, but whenever I hit the freeze ERC command, it ends up improperly baked into the range of motion, I also noticed that the property hierarchy that the morph's ERC is keyed linearly, and seeing as there's **no documentation I was wondering if anyone here has any information about how to properly go about this? Thanks in advance!
Keyed ERC is taken from the timeline - set up each realtionship as a key, so you set the controller to X1 and the correct values fro the controlled in frame 1, then controller to X2 and controlled to their values in frame 2 and so on for as many steps as needed. Then enable the keyed ERC option in the Freeze dialogue.
Ahhh, Thanks for that, yeah it's gonna be a looong process, which makes me respect this person's hard work all the more! Do you know of a pictorial/literary step-by-step that I can refer to as well? Now that I have an understanding of the concept, I'd like to read/see it put forth in practice.
Can it be used in the puppeteer?
I'm not aware of any step-by-step guide.
What would Puppeteer gain you? You can of course use it to bake to the timeline, but presumably you'd need the correct relationships set up to make Puppeteer usable in the first place.
Yep, that's why I asked...Unlike 90% of humanity I make it a point to not rely on assumptions alone. **About the step-by-step...It's like I thought, but wanted to confirm...Looks like I'm forced to do a trial by error after all..