Why Does My Program keep shutting down when I try to load.....

I have a very good question for you all: Why does my Daz Program keep shutting down when I try to load the Ballerina thing in the tutorial it starts to load it then when it comes to the % part it shuts the program down......I have tryed now 5 times to load that part and it keeps shutting me down?


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    What are your system specs? I.E. How much memory do you have available?

    Can you load other things properly, perhaps one of the other tutorials? Other characters that you dress and put in an environment?

    Is there any error message, or does the program just close down? Is there anything in the log file?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    I have a very good question for you all: Why does my Daz Program keep shutting down when I try to load the Ballerina thing in the tutorial it starts to load it then when it comes to the % part it shuts the program down......I have tryed now 5 times to load that part and it keeps shutting me down?

    What is the name of the tutorial?   You say when it comes to the '%' part, it shuts down, what do you mean exactly?

    To view the log file, go to Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File.   You will need to scroll to the part where DAZ Studio closed, just before your current new session.


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I have a very good question for you all: Why does my Daz Program keep shutting down when I try to load the Ballerina thing in the tutorial it starts to load it then when it comes to the % part it shuts the program down......I have tryed now 5 times to load that part and it keeps shutting me down?

    What is the name of the tutorial?   You say when it comes to the '%' part, it shuts down, what do you mean exactly?

    To view the log file, go to Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File.   You will need to scroll to the part where DAZ Studio closed, just before your current new session.


    It trys to load the dancer one in the lesson and it just up and shuts down on me the whole program. and I went through the log file and I am so not sure of what exactly I am looking for! there is a bunch of error messages in there for different things I was trying to load before so not sure what I am supposed to be looking for.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672
    edited October 2015
    lee_lhs said:

    What are your system specs? I.E. How much memory do you have available?

    Can you load other things properly, perhaps one of the other tutorials? Other characters that you dress and put in an environment?

    Is there any error message, or does the program just close down? Is there anything in the log file?

    Yes I can load other things now that I got the paths fixed. and I can load my virturial world Second Life and that is a big file so not sure as to why this is shutting down when I try to load the Dancer one. Plus there is no error message coming up before it shuts down. it just says after it shuts down that there was a problem and needed to shut down.

    Post edited by Saphirewild on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    Are you using the Interactive Lessone, and the one called 'Dagger Dancer'?   You also need to have the 'Barefoot Dancer' Ready to render scene installed as well, which comes as part of the 'Genesis 2 Starter Essentials' did you download and install this too?

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Are you using the Interactive Lessone, and the one called 'Dagger Dancer'?   You also need to have the 'Barefoot Dancer' Ready to render scene installed as well, which comes as part of the 'Genesis 2 Starter Essentials' did you download and install this too?

    Yes that is the one I am trying to load the Barefoot dancer one and it keeps shutting my program down!!! It is loaded in the daz program it all is, other this will load like the firey genises etc.... but that one "Bareefoot Dancer" will not load and shuts me down.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    So, you have Genesis 2 Starter Essentials installed?

    When you run the lesson, the first part is loading the Ready to Render Barefoot Dancer Scene from Smart Content, does it manage to load that.   Can you see it in Smart Content >  Default > Ready to Render > Fantasy?

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    So, you have Genesis 2 Starter Essentials installed?

    When you run the lesson, the first part is loading the Ready to Render Barefoot Dancer Scene from Smart Content, does it manage to load that.   Can you see it in Smart Content >  Default > Ready to Render > Fantasy?

    Yes I have it installed the first part does load but when it comes to going to the next part when it is supposed to go to the scene that is when it is shutting down on me.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    So, you have Genesis 2 Starter Essentials installed?

    When you run the lesson, the first part is loading the Ready to Render Barefoot Dancer Scene from Smart Content, does it manage to load that.   Can you see it in Smart Content >  Default > Ready to Render > Fantasy?

    Yes I have it installed the first part does load but when it comes to going to the next part when it is supposed to go to the scene that is when it is shutting down on me.

    I am having trouble following what you mean by 'go to the scene'?

    After the Bareforr Dancer scene is loaded, the next part is loading a dagger from Default > Props > Weapons > Blades, and it tells you to double click on the HornRight.DUF icon, does that dagger load?

    Then it goes to Poses > By Function and gets you to load the Dagger Dancer Pose.DUF   -  does that work?

    Then you go to the Scene pane, is this where you get your error?   You have to follow the arrows down to the Right Hand in the Scene pane, then click on the blade that is lit up.   Then you are supposed to select the Perspective View, can you do that part?


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    So, you have Genesis 2 Starter Essentials installed?

    When you run the lesson, the first part is loading the Ready to Render Barefoot Dancer Scene from Smart Content, does it manage to load that.   Can you see it in Smart Content >  Default > Ready to Render > Fantasy?

    Yes I have it installed the first part does load but when it comes to going to the next part when it is supposed to go to the scene that is when it is shutting down on me.

    I am having trouble following what you mean by 'go to the scene'?

    After the Bareforr Dancer scene is loaded, the next part is loading a dagger from Default > Props > Weapons > Blades, and it tells you to double click on the HornRight.DUF icon, does that dagger load?

    Then it goes to Poses > By Function and gets you to load the Dagger Dancer Pose.DUF   -  does that work?

    Then you go to the Scene pane, is this where you get your error?   You have to follow the arrows down to the Right Hand in the Scene pane, then click on the blade that is lit up.   Then you are supposed to select the Perspective View, can you do that part?


    ok I will start from the begining here: When I start the lesson I follow all the arrows to where I am supossed to click or double cick, I get to the part where it says to click on the "Person" then "Female" Then it says to Double click on the "Barefoot Dancer" and I do it then it gets almost loaded and poof off goes my Daz Program, and when I load it back up I do not see any charactors at all I can only double click on the firey genisis one and it loads for me.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    I really don;t know what is happening to your version.   Mine got to the part to change to Perspective View, then it got stuck.   I uninstalled it using DIM, and tried to reinstall it, but no luck.   I don't see it listed in the store any more.

    There are other Interactive Lessons available here : http://www.daz3d.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=interactive   Perhaps you could try some of them?

    You should still be able to load the file all of the Ready to render Scenes, you can find them in the Content Library pane under DAZ Studio Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > DAZ Studio Tutorials, there are six of them in my library.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I really don;t know what is happening to your version.   Mine got to the part to change to Perspective View, then it got stuck.   I uninstalled it using DIM, and tried to reinstall it, but no luck.   I don't see it listed in the store any more.

    There are other Interactive Lessons available here : http://www.daz3d.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=interactive   Perhaps you could try some of them?

    You should still be able to load the file all of the Ready to render Scenes, you can find them in the Content Library pane under DAZ Studio Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > DAZ Studio Tutorials, there are six of them in my library.

    TY so much for trying to help I am so not sure wth is going on with that lesson, but I took your advice and downloaded the lessons from that link you gave. I am now off to try them out and see how it works for me :)

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    I hope they work for you, let us know how you get on.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    I am stuck already lmbo with the sifi teaching I can not get past the peremitors part when it says: Follow the arrows through the Parameters pane and set the Shadow Type to RayTraced (Shadow Only). and I do not know what to do from there cause no matter where I click where the arrow is it does not change anything oml I am about to pull my hair out frown

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    Yes, it happened to me as well, highly frustrating, I was getting a bit cross myselfangry

    I solved it though, you have to close up the items underneath the spotlight, the one you created, it should have the name you picked.   Click on the little down pointing triangle to the left of the name, and that should close up all the parameters below it.   Then the arrow will point to the right place..

    Spoke too soon, that got the first arrow to the right place, but the second arrow points to nothing, no matter what I do.   I cannot move past this point.   I will ask Support to see if there is anything that can be done, and perhaps they will get these updated so that they work correctly.

    If there is any other way that I can help you, please just ask.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Yes, it happened to me as well, highly frustrating, I was getting a bit cross myselfangry

    I solved it though, you have to close up the items underneath the spotlight, the one you created, it should have the name you picked.   Click on the little down pointing triangle to the left of the name, and that should close up all the parameters below it.   Then the arrow will point to the right place..

    Spoke too soon, that got the first arrow to the right place, but the second arrow points to nothing, no matter what I do.   I cannot move past this point.   I will ask Support to see if there is anything that can be done, and perhaps they will get these updated so that they work correctly.

    If there is any other way that I can help you, please just ask.

    It sure very frusterating when your trying to follow along to the T and it doesn't work for ya. I am going to try another one to see if I can get futher. Thanks so much for trying to help me with this.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    This type of thing (getting stuck in parts the tutorials like with the arrow in the sci fi one which happened to me as well) on several of the tutorials. I finally just gave up on them.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    This type of thing (getting stuck in parts the tutorials like with the arrow in the sci fi one which happened to me as well) on several of the tutorials. I finally just gave up on them.

    I am finding that if I just go my own way with them now it works so much better for me anyway giggles

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