Can't delete IRC property slider I created.
In Daz Studio 4.11
I made an IRC slider property for my figure/prop/asset. One out of many.
I made a different version the prop, also with lots of the same IRC sliders.
One of the sliders I made for second version somehow got added the the first version. They do the same thing, but they have slightly different names.
When I try to delete the added one, and re-save the prop, and delete it from the scene, and then reload the prop, the property I deleted has returned.
I tried many things but it keeps re-asserting itself.
I tried changing the name, changing the group path, changing the colors, re-baking it over and over. To no avail. It keeps comming back. At least when it comes back, it still has no sub-components. But there it is, this dead-weight slider that does nothing but defy every attempt to get rid of it.
Update _______________________________
It's getting worse. The more I try to delete it, the more it replicates. One undeletable slider control has now become 3.
Update _______________________________
I had to fix this by deleting the properties again, but this time saving the prop with a different name, i.e. saving as a copy. Then delete the apparently corrupted old file.
Update _______________________________
The corruption is in the system, as well as the old file.
When I changed the new fixed copy of the file to have the same name as the old, deleted, corrupted file, in both the name of the file and the name of the prop in the scene tab, the sliders came back again.
I had to re-save with another file name again to fix it again.
The system has associated the old file's name with the slider controls that can't be deleted, even if there is no file currently with that name. Any future file that will have that name will get those slider controls added.
Super crazy bug.
If the proerpties exist and you save the item as an asset the proerpties will also be saved as assets and to remove them you will have to remove the files.