Autofit erasing morphs? MorphKit for G2F?

in New Users
I remember seeing an Autofit tutorial which said that once you apply Autofit, it removes the other clothing/hair morphs. I have not, to my knowledge, lost morphs when using V4 products on G2F. Has this been rectified in newer versions of DAZ?
Secondly, is there a product that does for G2F clothing what V4 MorphKit does for V4, or is that unnecessary. I have had some issues fitting clothing to some custom shapes.
If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. Cheers
Yes, AutoFit hasd been preserving morpsh for soem time now.
On morphs, what exactly are you looking for? There are quite a few sets arounbd - from Zev0 or from Thorne and Hadspan Studios for example.
If you mean by custom shapes, shapes of your own creation (sculpted not dialed in) you may need to create your own projection morphs.
Sickleyield has a tutorial on how to do that...
Great! that AutoFit preserves morphs. Thanks, Richard.
My wife has tons of morphs from Zev0, Thorne, and Handspan Studios, but those are for characters. The Clothing MorphKit for Victoria 4 by Netherworks has the V4 morphs for clothes so that you can dial into the clothes the exact same shape you dialed into the character's body. This way there is no struggle with poke-through or hiding body parts (and therefore changing the curve and line of the character's body) in order to make clothes fit. I was wondering if there were a similar product for G2F that contained all of the major body morphs from the G2F Body Morphs (Daz Originals) so I could do the same thing for G2F clothing.
Thanks, mjc1016. I was only thinking of dialed shapes, but I can see that I shall have to zBrush together at least one character; so, SY's tutorial will be helpful.
By V4 morphs I meant V4 ++ morphs.
Ah, sorry - I missed the reference to clothing. AutoFollow should do that but there are additional products (PokeAway (Genesis)/PokeAway 2 for the Genesis 2s) and various SickleYield products, plus applying a Smoothing Modifier and using collision, to help with refactory cases; I don't think there are any magnet sets like those Netherworks and Lyrra made though.
Thanks, Richard. That's what I was asking. Thanks for your prompt and courteous assistance. Now I know what I need to do. The Netherworks-type (magnet) solution is ideal. Perhaps it is too much of a headache on G2F for anyone to write the script, and now that we're on G3F, it'll probably never happen. Keep up the great work.
With Autofollow, the morphs will be 'automagically' moved to the clothing...but the automatic ones aren't always the best. And sometimes some of the morphs are included, but not all of them or autofollow isn't on, so you won't have everything you dialed in...or it's a custom morph that doesn't have an already existing projection counterpart (if autofollow is off). And sometimes the geometry of the clothing is such that even with all of that there will still be problems. Deformers can help some, but most of the time they'll need to be individually done, as opposed to being scripted/generic (that's basically what autofollow is doing...the bulk of the work, but the finetuning is up to you).
Thanks for the explanation, mjc1016. I would prefer to manually input the morphs into the clothing if only there were a product that I could use on G2F to do that. I've looked at Fit Control and SY's Clothing Smoothers for DAZ G2F, but I have not seen an old-style wide-range deformer like Lyrra Madril's. And how, exactly, do you check to see if autofollow is on or off?
Find the slider for the morph, click the gear on the right, and from the menu select Parameter Settings. There should be a check-box for AutoFollow.
One complication is that some parameter sliders aren't actually morphs, just cotnrollers that trigger other morphs, and it's the actual morph that needs AutoFollow on. If you right-click on the Parameters pane and seelct Edit Mode a series of boxes should appear down the elft edge, one box per parameter - the morphs have an M in the box (right-click again and click Edit Mode again to go back to normal). If you do have a cotnrol and want the actual morphs, in the Parameter Settings dialogue look in the Sub-components tab to see a list of parameters that are controlled by this parameter.
Thank you so much, Richard. I really appreciate the heads up on the caveats. I'm going to have to take the rest of this year and learn Daz. There is so much power hidden inside. Have a great weekend, and thanks for your patience and time.