Help a noob with file formats - Can I put this into Daz?

in New Users
Hi guys....I'm brand new to this. Does anyone know if it would be possible to get any of these models into Daz? I can't find anything similar to what I want in the marketplace so looked on turbosquid.
Yes, all three of them come with an obj version. That can be imported directly. But they won't be rigged and textures may need to be manually assigned.
Hi and welcome to the forums :-)
.obj files can [normally] be imported into D/S. They may need to be sized down to play nice with the little figures. Some max .obj files may or not play nice in these programs so you might not wish to drop that much money on one model without some assurances from the company and/or creator.
If you have Bryce, that can load some 3DS files and .obj files can then be exported [generally speaking].
Blender is of course free and can load the Blender files. Blender also exports .obj files.
One can also post a request "for" something in the Commons ... an amazing amount of stuff is available and somebody may very well know and share the links your way.
If interested in "free" stuff, one can also make requests in the one thread over in the Free forums and you never know, somebody might actually make something for you [and others] to use. is another place to look for Poser/Daz Studio products. Most Poser items will also work in D/S with some possibly tweaks to the materials. I know they have test tubes and other types of medical clutter.
Thanks guys!